[ an -der-suh n ] SHOW IPA
noun Hans Christian [hanz], /hænz/, 1805–75, Danish author, especially of fairy tales. Words nearby Andersen andantino, AND circuit, Andean, Andean Community of Nations, Anderlecht, Andersen , Andersen, Hans Christian, Andersen Nexø, Andersen's disease, Anderson, Anderson, Marian
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for Andersen Andersen is part of a team that’s advising policymakers at the federal level and he’s offered the group’s expertise locally as well.
Supervisor by Day, But a COVID-19 Skeptic on the Airwaves | Katy Stegall| August 20, 2020| Voice of San Diego
Andersen said he was inspired to go on Desmond’s podcast after he heard the things Victory was saying to a mass audience.
Supervisor by Day, But a COVID-19 Skeptic on the Airwaves | Katy Stegall| August 20, 2020| Voice of San Diego
So Andersen asked everyone to stick out their tongues before she dripped the liquids.
Can we taste fat? The brain thinks so | Bethany Brookshire| July 24, 2020| Science News For Students
Andersen and her colleagues published their findings March 14 in the journal Chemical Senses.
Can we taste fat? The brain thinks so | Bethany Brookshire| July 24, 2020| Science News For Students
So popular is Andersen in China that next year a $13-million theme park based on his fairytales will open in Shanghai.
The Surprising Reasons the Chinese Love the Little Mermaid | Chantel Tattoli| August 25, 2013| DAILY BEAST
“Women are warming up to getting used to doing something like this and using our services,” Andersen adds.
More Rich, High-Powered Women Are Turning to Matchmakers to Find Love | Paula Froelich| August 15, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Daisy and Mr. Andersen were in, and Charlie and they had the happy enjoyment of youth.
A Little Girl of Long Ago | Amanda Millie Douglas
All I now had in the way of bedding was a thin shawl, and an old overall belonging to Captain Andersen , of the steamer.
The Land of Thor | J. Ross Browne
This was decided to be Mr. Andersen , as he was to go to the Jaspers' to tea.
A Little Girl of Long Ago | Amanda Millie Douglas
His first literary heroes were the brothers Grimm and Andersen .
Five Plays | Edward John Dunsany
While Andersen tells outright some of the characteristics of the little Soldier, he leaves others to be inferred from acts.
Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 10 | Charles Herbert Sylvester
British Dictionary definitions for Andersen noun Hans Christian. 1805–75, Danish author of fairy tales, including The Ugly Duckling, The Tin Soldier, and The Snow Queen
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012