[ verb per-vurt ; noun pur -vert ] SHOW IPA
/ verb pərˈvɜrt; noun ˈpɜr vərt / PHONETIC RESPELLING
verb (used with object) to affect with perversion.
to lead astray morally.
to turn away from the right course.
to lead into mental error or false judgment.
to turn to an improper use; misapply.
to misconstrue or misinterpret, especially deliberately; distort: to pervert someone's statement.
to bring to a less excellent state; vitiate; debase.
Pathology . to change to what is unnatural or abnormal.
to convert or persuade to a religious belief regarded as false or wrong.
SEE MORE SEE LESS noun a person who practices sexual perversion.
Pathology . a person affected with perversion.
a person who has been perverted, especially to a religious belief regarded as erroneous.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of pervert 1300–50; (v.) Middle English perverten <Latin pervertere to overturn, subvert, equivalent to per- per- + vertere to turn; (noun) noun use of obsolete pervert perverted
SYNONYMS FOR pervert 2 seduce, corrupt, demoralize.
3 divert.
4 mislead, misguide.
7 pollute, defile; impair, degrade.
OTHER WORDS FROM pervert per·vert·er, noun per·vert·i·ble, adjective per·vert·i·bil·i·ty, noun per·vert·i·bly, adverb
non·per·vert·i·ble, adjective
Words nearby pervert perverse, perversely, perversion, perversity, perversive, pervert , perverted, per vias naturales, pervicacious, pervious, perv on
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for pervert We will not be held responsible for the actions of four indicted people who decided to pervert the legislative process for their own personal gain.
Can This Millennial Power Broker Lead an Ohio Comeback for Democrats? | Nick Fouriezos| September 10, 2020| Ozy
The All Quiet on the Pervert Front has led photo-sharers on Reddit and 4chan to declare “The Fappening” dead.
‘The Fappening’ Is Dead: From A-List Hacking Victims to D-Listers Accused of Leaking Nudes For PR | Marlow Stern| October 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
In keeping with the raucous nature of his tabloid scandal, one person shouted “Pervert !”
Weiner’s Last Words | Howard Kurtz| June 16, 2011| DAILY BEAST
British Dictionary definitions for pervert verb (pəˈvɜːt ) (tr) to use wrongly or badly
to interpret wrongly or badly; distort
to lead into deviant or perverted beliefs or behaviour; corrupt
to debase
noun (ˈpɜːvɜːt ) a person who practises sexual perversion
Derived forms of pervert perverter , noun pervertible , adjective Word Origin for pervert C14: from Old French pervertir, from Latin pervertere to turn the wrong way, from per- (indicating deviation) + vertere to turn
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to pervert weirdo, deviant, debase, distort, warp, desecrate, vitiate, misinterpret, misrepresent, falsify, misconstrue, freak, deviate, degenerate, debauchee, color, debauch, fake, corrupt, cut