Once all the piercing is done, the mosquito’s head also has structures to help it suck up as much blood as possible.
Evolution made mosquitos into stealthy, sensitive vampires|Erica McAlister|October 15, 2020|Popular Science
It’s a sweeping work of care and one that is often piercing in its painful beauty.
11 compelling documentaries to watch for this fall|Alissa Wilkinson|October 9, 2020|Vox
“Hell yeah,” he says with a smile and a piercing, blue-eyed stare.
My Bizarre Night With James Deen, Libertarian Porn Star|Emily Shire|November 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Thunderous sounds announce its arrival, piercing the silence that accompanies sundown in the swampland near Boystown, Liberia.
Rage Against the Ebola Crematorium|Abby Haglage|November 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Sensitive subjects are met with a short burst of laughter, and serious answers are sandwiched between a piercing gaze.
A Belgian Prince, Gorillas, Guerrillas & the Future of the Congo|Nina Strochlic|November 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
One of the most piercing observations of the article is that while those who had worked with him trusted Welby, no one knew him.
UK’s No 1 Churchman Doubts Existence of God: The Archbishop of Canterbury Thinks Deep When Running With His Dog|Tim Teeman|September 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
His piercing azure eyes are complemented by a new addition to his appearance: a septum piercing in his nose.
‘Boyhood’ Star Ellar Coltrane: An Astonishing Debut 12 Years in the Making|Kevin Fallon|July 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He was an elderly man, with hard features and piercing eyes, who received me almost brutally, as if I had been a criminal.
The Clique of Gold|Emile Gaboriau
Montbarts was a young man of about seven or eight-and-twenty, with manly and marked features, and a fixed and piercing eye.
The Buccaneer Chief|Gustave Aimard
But over their tumult there came a wild outburst of piercing shrieks.
The Scapegoat|Hall Caine
Towards three o'clock in the morning Herbert uttered a piercing cry.
The Mysterious Island|Jules Verne
With a piercing yell she turned and fled, and with such precipitancy that she pulled the net off the handle.
The Uttermost Farthing|R. Austin Freeman
British Dictionary definitions for piercing
/ (ˈpɪəsɪŋ) /
(of a sound) sharp and shrill
(of eyes or a look) intense and penetrating
(of an emotion) strong and deeply affecting
(of cold or wind) intense or biting
the art or practice of piercing body parts for the insertion of jewellery