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[ pahy-ping ] / ˈpaɪ pɪŋ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR piping ON THESAURUS.COM
nounpipes collectively; a system or network of pipes. material formed into a pipe or pipes. the act of a person or thing that pipes. the sound of pipes. a shrill sound. the music of pipes. a cordlike ornamentation made of icing, used on pastry. a tubular band of ornamental material, sometimes containing a cord, used for trimming the edges and seams of clothing, upholstery, etc. adjectivecharacterized by the peaceful music of the pipe. playing on a musical pipe. that pipes. emitting a shrill sound: a piping voice. Idioms for pipingpiping hot, (of food or drink) very hot.
Origin of piping1200–50; Middle English (gerund); see pipe1, -ing1, -ing2 OTHER WORDS FROM pipingpip·ing·ly, adverbWords nearby pipingpipe up, pipe vine, pipewort, pipe wrench, pipi, piping, piping hot, pipistrelle, pipit, pipiwharauroa, pipkin Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for pipingWhen the piping finally concludes, a third man steps forward. Petra by Night|David Frum|January 3, 2013|DAILY BEAST He said he was a retired pipe designer, and had done the piping for the Wild Turkery distillery down the road. Behind the Scenes at Debate, a Surreal Trip Inside the Spin Zone|David Freedlander|October 12, 2012|DAILY BEAST That sober statement in the piping voice had a strange effect upon Allison. Then I'll Come Back to You|Larry Evans “I hear a sound in the wind that is like a sound of piping,” quoth she. The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Volume XXI|Robert Louis Stevenson
Stir steadily with a wooden spoon and, when velvety, serve a-sizzle on piping hot beer-soaked toast. The Complete Book of Cheese|Robert Carlton Brown Instead of piping, "Hi, Mr. Crowninshield, did you find out anything?" Walter and the Wireless|Sara Ware Bassett Suddenly from somewhere near Ivy there came a thin, piping sound. IT and Other Stories|Gouverneur Morris
British Dictionary definitions for piping
nounpipes collectively, esp pipes formed into a connected system, as in the plumbing of a house a cord of icing, whipped cream, etc, often used to decorate desserts and cakes a thin strip of covered cord or material, used to edge hems, etc the sound of a pipe or a set of bagpipes the art or technique of playing a pipe or bagpipes a shrill voice or sound, esp a whistling sound adjectivemaking a shrill sound archaic relating to the pipe (associated with peace), as opposed to martial instruments, such as the fife or trumpet Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to pipingtreble, acute, penetrating, piercing, rank, soprano, sharp, shrill, reeking, high-pitched, loud, malodorous, putrid, rancid, shrieky, shrilly, smelly, strident |