How to make a paper boatThe paper pirate hat is so versatile that any swashbuckling seafarer can whip it right off their head and turn it into a worthy watercraft.
Five classic paper toys you can make when you’re bored (whether you’re in school or not)|John Kennedy|October 7, 2020|Popular Science
How to make a pirate hatCosplay can be fun, and few characters are more classic than pirates.
Five classic paper toys you can make when you’re bored (whether you’re in school or not)|John Kennedy|October 7, 2020|Popular Science
With digital releases, pirates use technologies not available to most consumers to make perfect copies quickly.
Movie piracy is on the rise as studios bypass theatrical releases|radmarya|October 6, 2020|Fortune
How generally nonviolent it was from the moment that the pirates got on board, and how well the trades functioned.
When Your Safety Becomes My Danger (Ep. 432)|Stephen J. Dubner|September 24, 2020|Freakonomics
Simply put, the pirates of the Caribbean tended to prey on the merchant vessels rather than the powerful warships that usually even moved in squadrons.
Know Your Historical Warships: From 7th Century BC – 17th Century AD|Dattatreya Mandal|April 4, 2020|Realm of History
Spam, squirt guns, earthworms, pirate costumes—stuff like that.
Cheap Trick: Most Magicians Are Lazy Hacks|Rick Lax|August 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
His acceptance speech was a reflection of his career, and laced with enough profanity to make a pirate blush.
The Best Moments of the MTV Movie Awards|Marina Watts|April 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In 2007, Pirate Bay even attempted to raise the funds to purchase Sealand.
Welcome to Sealand: a Sovereign Nation|Nina Strochlic|February 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This was a pretty inconvenient situation for a pirate running up and down between decks.
Body Hack: How to See in the Dark (Like Pirates!)|Brian Ries|December 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Those are crucial minutes no pirate—or bed-seeking midnight fumbler—should spare.
Body Hack: How to See in the Dark (Like Pirates!)|Brian Ries|December 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST
To protect his own interests Prescott decided to make an abridgment of his own, and thus to forestall the pirate.
William Hickling Prescott|Harry Thurston Peck
Once a bad spirit came; its language was perfectly horrible: in life it had been a pirate!
The Story of My Life, volumes 4-6|Augustus J. C. Hare
The sea was calm, the boats were in full view of the pirate.
How Britannia Came to Rule the Waves|W.H.G. Kingston
The Chukches avoided these Russians as merchant ships of old avoided a pirate bark.
Panther Eye|Roy J. Snell
"I am made a pirate against my will," he had said of these things.
Ulric the Jarl|William O. Stoddard
British Dictionary definitions for pirate
/ (ˈpaɪrɪt) /
a person who commits piracy
a vessel used by pirates
(as modifier)a pirate ship
a person who illicitly uses or appropriates someone else's literary, artistic, or other work
a person or group of people who broadcast illegally
(as modifier)a pirate radio station
(tr)to use, appropriate, or reproduce (artistic work, ideas, etc) illicitly