Then planners hope that during tests, these Oxitec foreigners will charm female mosquitoes into mating.
Genetically modified mosquitoes have been OK’d for a first U.S. test flight|Susan Milius|August 22, 2020|Science News
Despite their redevelopment hopes, city planners agree the area is vulnerable.
Nobody’s Talking About the Sports Arena Flood Zone|MacKenzie Elmer|August 19, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Instead, her therapy was to serve as a health care planner, an environmental activist, and a community relations leader.
Departure from convention—mom, baseball, the postal worker, and patriotism|jakemeth|August 19, 2020|Fortune
Maya Rosas, an urban planner, has described her experience with one community planning group as toxic.
Morning Report: MTS Doled Out Violations Disproportionately|Voice of San Diego|July 27, 2020|Voice of San Diego
The model then runs thousands of mission simulations to gauge the risks of that specific crew having anything from constipation to a heart attack so that planners can prioritize medical kit supplies.
What will astronauts need to survive the dangerous journey to Mars?|Maria Temming|July 15, 2020|Science News
The more luxurious the trip, the more it seems that personal choice is delegated by the client to the planner.