Would liberals (not to mention what's left of Jewry) in Italy argue that the petitioners furthered "pluralism"?
Women: Talk To The Wall|Bernard Avishai|June 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
She aims, she insists, to further "pluralism"; "We made history," she said.
Women: Talk To The Wall|Bernard Avishai|June 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He spoke in favor of “Jewish pluralism” and said that Israel “must have a zero tolerance policy for any act of intolerance.”
Oren Makes Friends, Not News|Jacob Silverman|October 16, 2012|DAILY BEAST
There is no way of passing, then, from an absolute One to the Many, from singularism to pluralism.
The Christian Faith Under Modern Searchlights|William Hallock Johnson
The rectories for the most part were miserably poor, so that pluralism might be necessary to make an income.
Irish History and the Irish Question|Goldwin Smith
Pluralism, not monism, is the fashion of the day, and some carry it almost to polytheism.
Major Prophets of To-Day|Edwin E. Slosson
In the last lecture of my book I candidly admitted this inferiority of pluralism.
The Meaning of Truth|William James
In this sense, pluralism, not monism, is an established empirical fact.
Creative Intelligence|John Dewey, Addison W. Moore, Harold Chapman Brown, George H. Mead, Boyd H. Bode, Henry Waldgrave, Stuart James, Hayden Tufts, Horace M. Kallen
British Dictionary definitions for pluralism
/ (ˈplʊərəˌlɪzəm) /
the holding by a single person of more than one ecclesiastical benefice or office
sociola theory of society as several autonomous but interdependent groups which either share power or continuously compete for power
the existence in a society of groups having distinctive ethnic origin, cultural forms, religions, etc
a theory that views the power of employers as being balanced by the power of trade unions in industrial relations such that the interests of both sides can be catered for
the metaphysical doctrine that reality consists of more than two basic types of substanceCompare monism (def. 2), dualism (def. 2)
the metaphysical doctrine that reality consists of independent entities rather than one unchanging wholeCompare monism (def. 2), absolutism (def. 2b)
fusion, diversity, cultural diversity, multiracialism, multiculturalism, conflation
Cultural definitions for pluralism
A conviction that various religious, ethnic, racial, and political groups should be allowed to thrive in a single society. In metaphysics, pluralism can also mean an alternative to dualism and monism. A pluralist asserts that there are more than two kinds of principles, whereas the dualist maintains there are only two and a monist only one.