a composition in verse, especially one that is characterized by a highly developed artistic form and by the use of heightened language and rhythm to express an intensely imaginative interpretation of the subject.
composition that, though not in verse, is characterized by great beauty of language or expression: a prose poem from the Scriptures; a symphonic poem.
something having qualities that are suggestive of or likened to those of poetry: Marcel, that chicken cacciatore was an absolute poem.
Origin of poem
1540–50; <Latin poēma<Greek poíēma poem, something made, equivalent to poiē-, variant stem of poieîn to make + -ma suffix denoting result
It can spew poems, short stories, and songs with little prompting, and has been demonstrated to fool people into thinking its outputs were written by a human.
These weird, unsettling photos show that AI is getting smarter|Karen Hao|September 25, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The classic Mulan is unthreatening because she returns home to her old life as a good daughter at the end of the poem, but 1998 Mulan is so revolutionary that she single-handedly changes the entire empire’s opinion of women.
The history of Mulan, from a 6th-century ballad to the live-action Disney movie|Constance Grady|September 4, 2020|Vox
While a student, Coel wrote Chewing Gum Dreams, a one-woman play whose title she borrowed from one of her own poems.
How Michaela Coel Tells Awkward Truths|Eromo Egbejule|August 30, 2020|Ozy
Distraught, she wrote her poem on the subway on the way to the event.
Defying Stereotypes, Young Muslim Writers Find Community Onstage|Julianne Chiaet|October 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Uneeb Khan asked in his poem about his quest for answers following the death of his non-Muslim friend.
Defying Stereotypes, Young Muslim Writers Find Community Onstage|Julianne Chiaet|October 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Each word, from aa to za, gets its own two-page spread with a poem and a pic.
Well, La Ti Da: Stephin Merritt’s Winning Little Words of Scrabble|David Bukszpan|October 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
How much of your family was able to see you read your poem at the inauguration?
It is her story which is told in the poem, and not that of Bartoli.
The Browning Cyclopdia|Edward Berdoe
I do not mean that I wrote to you, for this reason, the poem which you have just refused to hear me read.
The Adventures of a Widow|Edgar Fawcett
She contributed a poem weekly for several years, relinquishing her connection with the paper in 1850.
Old and New London|Walter Thornbury
The words and sentences which are supplied are very carefully chosen, and most of them have a prototype somewhere in the poem.
The Translations of Beowulf|Chauncey Brewster Tinker
The spirit of the poem is shown by the fact that it is spoken by an Englishman to a little child that is an Italian.
Browning and the Dramatic Monologue|S. S. Curry
British Dictionary definitions for poem
/ (ˈpəʊɪm) /
a composition in verse, usually characterized by concentrated and heightened language in which words are chosen for their sound and suggestive power as well as for their sense, and using such techniques as metre, rhyme, and alliteration
a literary composition that is not in verse but exhibits the intensity of imagination and language common to ita prose poem
anything resembling a poem in beauty, effect, etc
Word Origin for poem
C16: from Latin poēma, from Greek, variant of poiēma something composed, created, from poiein to make