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[ pon-tif-i-kuhl ] / pɒnˈtɪf ɪ kəl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR pontifical ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveof, relating to, or characteristic of a pontiff; papal. pompous, dogmatic, or pretentious: to resent someone's pontifical manner. noun(in the Western Church) a book containing the forms for the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies to be performed by bishops. pontificals, the vestments and other insignia of a pontiff, especially a bishop. Origin of pontifical1350–1400; Middle English <Latin pontificālis, equivalent to pontific- (stem of pontifex) pontifex + -ālis-al1 OTHER WORDS FROM pontificalpon·tif·i·cal·ly, adverbun·pon·tif·i·cal, adjectiveun·pon·tif·i·cal·ly, adverbWords nearby pontificalpontic, Pontic Mountains, pontifex, pontiff, pontific, pontifical, Pontifical College, Pontifical Mass, pontificals, pontificate, pontifices Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for pontificalGerman Hans Zollner leads the Centre for Child Protection at the Institute of Psychology of the Pontifical Gregorian University. Pope Francis Names His Anti-Abuse Team|Barbie Latza Nadeau|March 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST Bishop Sánchez is the chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Vatican Science on Christmas and Creationism|Christopher Dickey|December 22, 2013|DAILY BEAST Kicking off the weeklong celebrations, the pope seemed to welcome the security challenge as part and parcel of pontifical work. How Do You Protect a Pope Who Doesn’t Want to Be Protected?|Barbie Latza Nadeau|July 24, 2013|DAILY BEAST As a young seminarian, he studied in Washington, D.C., and at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Donald Wuerl: America’s Candidate for Pope?|Christopher Dickey|March 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST
After the cardinal audience and a celebratory lunch, the pope will prepare to leave the pontifical apartments. Pope Benedict XVI Bids Farewell to Faithful and Critics|Barbie Latza Nadeau|February 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST And now observe, gentle reader, the pontifical artifice which this discussion has produced. Notes and Queries, Number 229, March 18, 1854|Various The ambassador of Venice was the first in the pontifical city who received news of the defeat of Marignan. History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Vol 2|J. H. Merle D'Aubign The next day he crossed the frontier of the Pontifical States. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 20, September, 1877.|Various They made a brave show, with their handsome uniforms and their banners richly emblazoned with the pontifical arms. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain.|William H. Prescott Lozang, the fifth Grand Lama, is by common consent the most remarkable of the pontifical line. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3 (of 3)|Charles Eliot
British Dictionary definitions for pontifical
adjectiveof, relating to, or characteristic of a pontiff, the pope, or a bishop having an excessively authoritative manner; pompous nounRC Church Church of England a book containing the prayers and ritual instructions for ceremonies restricted to a bishop Derived forms of pontificalpontifically, adverbCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to pontificalpapal, arrogant, dogmatic, overbearing, pompous, pretentious, puffy |