

单词 porter


[ pawr-ter, pohr- ]
/ ˈpɔr tər, ˈpoʊr- /


a person hired to carry burdens or baggage, as at a railroad station or a hotel.
a person who does cleaning and maintenance work in a building, factory, store, etc.
an attendant in a railroad parlor car or sleeping car.

Origin of porter

1350–1400; Middle English, variant of portour<Middle French porteour<Late Latin portātōr- (stem of portātor). See port5, -or2

Words nearby porter

Port Elizabeth, portend, port engineer, portent, portentous, porter, porterage, porter chair, Porter, Cole, portered, porteress

Definition for porter (2 of 4)

[ pawr-ter, pohr- ]
/ ˈpɔr tər, ˈpoʊr- /


a person who has charge of a door or gate; doorkeeper.
Roman Catholic Church. ostiary (def. 1).

Origin of porter

1250–1300; Middle English <Anglo-French <Late Latin portārius gatekeeper. See port4, -er2

Definition for porter (3 of 4)

[ pawr-ter, pohr- ]
/ ˈpɔr tər, ˈpoʊr- /


a heavy, dark-brown ale made with malt browned by drying at a high temperature.

Origin of porter

First recorded in 1720–30; short for porter's ale, apparently originally brewed for porters

Definition for porter (4 of 4)

[ pawr-ter, pohr- ]
/ ˈpɔr tər, ˈpoʊr- /


Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for porter (1 of 4)

/ (ˈpɔːtə) /


a person employed to carry luggage, parcels, supplies, etc, esp at a railway station or hotel
(in hospitals) a person employed to move patients from place to place
US and Canadian a railway employee who waits on passengers, esp in a sleeper
East African a manual labourer

Word Origin for porter

C14: from Old French portour, from Late Latin portātōr, from Latin portāre to carry

British Dictionary definitions for porter (2 of 4)

/ (ˈpɔːtə) /


mainly British a person in charge of a gate or door; doorman or gatekeeper
a person employed by a university or college as a caretaker and doorkeeper who also answers enquiries
a person in charge of the maintenance of a building, esp a block of flats
Also called: ostiary RC Church a person ordained to what was formerly the lowest in rank of the minor orders

Word Origin for porter

C13: from Old French portier, from Late Latin portārius doorkeeper, from Latin porta door

British Dictionary definitions for porter (3 of 4)

/ (ˈpɔːtə) /


British a dark sweet ale brewed from black malt

Word Origin for porter

C18: shortened from porter's ale, apparently because it was a favourite beverage of porters

British Dictionary definitions for porter (4 of 4)

/ (ˈpɔːtə) /


Cole. 1893–1964, US composer and lyricist of musical comedies. His most popular songs include Night and Day and Let's do It
George, Baron Porter of Luddenham. 1920–2002, British chemist, who shared a Nobel prize for chemistry in 1967 for his work on flash photolysis
Katherine Anne. 1890–1980, US short-story writer and novelist. Her best-known collections of stories are Flowering Judas (1930) and Pale Horse, Pale Rider (1939)
Rodney Robert. 1917–85, British biochemist: shared the Nobel prize for physiology or medicine 1972 for determining the structure of an antibody
William Sidney. original name of O. Henry
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Medical definitions for porter

[ pôrtər ]
Rodney Robert 1917-1985

British biochemist. He shared a 1972 Nobel Prize for his research on the chemical structure and nature of antibodies.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Scientific definitions for porter

[ pôrtər ]
Rodney Robert 1917-1985

British biochemist who shared with George Edelman the 1972 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for their study of the chemical structure of antibodies.
The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




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