If mixed with nitre, the potassa retains the carbonic acid, and the carbon may be thus easily estimated.
A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe|Anonymous
The quantity of potassa present in the manure can be calculated from the weight of platinum obtained.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 362, December 9, 1882|Various
The seeds of hemlock, or their alcoholic extracts, is distilled with water and potassa.
Cooley's Cyclopdia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I|Arnold Cooley
Magenta is completely decolorized by potassa, but a prolonged washing in water reproduces the original shade.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 363, December 16, 1882|Various