[ pri-kos -i-tee ] SHOW IPA
/ prɪˈkɒs ɪ ti / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun the state of being or tendency to be precocious.
Origin of precocity 1630–40; <French précosité, equivalent to précose (<Latin praecoci-, stem of praecox early ripening, adj. derivative of praecoquere to bake or ripen early; see pre-, cook1 ) + -ité -ity
Words nearby precocity preclinical, preclude, precocial, precocious, precocious puberty, precocity , precognition, precollagenous fiber, precolonial, pre-Columbian, precompose
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for precocity For all his precocity , he still has a lot of growing up to do.
Jonathan Krohn | David Frum| July 4, 2012| DAILY BEAST
A quaint mixture of childishness and precocity is noticeable in all his letters.
Rupert Prince Palatine | Eva Scott
An instance of precocity was the attempted abduction in May, 1851, of a girl of thirteen by two boys a little older.
The Life of Bret Harte | Henry Childs Merwin
Others also exhibited a precocity which from day to day rewarded and stimulated the ardor of this devoted teacher.
Mary S. Peake | Lewis C. Lockwood
From the instance I had had in him, I began to perceive that precocity o' intellect was nae proof o' its power.
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland | John Mackay Wilson
But Byron was proud of his precocity , and liked to recall it, and to wonder if any other lover had ever been equally precocious.
The Love Affairs of Lord Byron | Francis Henry Gribble
Words related to precocity agility, perception, quickness, subtlety, brilliance, understanding, acumen, wit, sense, savvy, skill, judgment, intellect, knack, prowess, ability, ingenuity, intelligence, accomplishment, wisdom