the state or fact of being present, as with others or in a place.
attendance or company: Your presence is requested.
immediate vicinity; proximity: in the presence of witnesses.
the military or economic power of a country as reflected abroad by the stationing of its troops, sale of its goods, etc.: the American military presence in Europe; the Japanese presence in the U.S. consumer market.
Chiefly British. the immediate personal vicinity of a great personage giving audience or reception: summoned to her presence.
the ability to project a sense of ease, poise, or self-assurance, especially the quality or manner of a person's bearing before an audience: The speaker had a good deal of stage presence.
personal appearance or bearing, especially of a dignified or imposing kind: a man of fine presence.
a person, especially of noteworthy appearance or compelling personality: He is a real presence, even at a private party.
a divine or supernatural spirit felt to be present: He felt a presence with him in the room.
BritishObsolete. presence chamber.
Origin of presence
1300–50; Middle English <Middle French <Latin praesentia.See present1, -ence
Someone passing through the lobby wouldn’t notice its presence.
The Big Corporate Rescue and the America That’s Too Small to Save|by Lydia DePillis, Justin Elliott and Paul Kiel|September 12, 2020|ProPublica
We think that the presence of a planet between these rings is needed to explain why the disc was torn apart.
A strange dusty disk could hide a planet betwixt three stars|Paola Rosa-Aquino|September 11, 2020|Popular Science
This holds true for businesses because they can register their presence on YouTube to showcase their resources.
How businesses can use YouTube to tackle the COVID-19 business crisis|Catherrine Garcia|September 7, 2020|Search Engine Watch
The mere presence of a young patrons committee, however, doesn’t mean millennials will come, and some nonprofits still find it challenging to engage with the audience.
How nonprofits are catering to millennials and rethinking the charity gala for younger generations|Rachel King|September 7, 2020|Fortune
Critics of symmetry-based tests, though, say that the presence of packing and cracking does not prove that the governing party has intentionally gerrymandered the state’s districts.