However, according to Brindis, “The pressure has not met the threat in terms of magnitude.”
What wildfires in Brazil, Siberia, and the US West have in common|Lili Pike|September 17, 2020|Vox
The pressure is on for Democrats and Republicans to find a solution before Congress breaks in October.
Why lawmakers may choose a more targeted approach for the second round of COVID stimulus|Aric Jenkins|September 16, 2020|Fortune
Here’s a building block that is currently under a lot of pressure, as channels are shifting after the pandemic.
How would an SEO agency be built today? Part 2: Current business model(s)|Sponsored Content: SEOmonitor|September 16, 2020|Search Engine Land
With pressure from the Gang Commission’s ad hoc committee headed by Genevieve Jones-Wright, Stephan went on record stating 332 names were removed from her office’s injunctions.
While We’re Rethinking Policing, It’s Time to End Gang Injunctions|Jamie Wilson|September 15, 2020|Voice of San Diego
The aforementioned Kaiser poll found that 61% of Americans are worried the FDA will rush to approve a vaccine due to political pressure.
6 questions that must be answered in the race for a vaccine|jakemeth|September 15, 2020|Fortune
The 2014 midterm elections are just months behind us, but already Flake feels the pressure of the 2016 presidential elections.
Can This Republican Bring the GOP Back to Its Senses on Immigration?|Tim Mak|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Does any of that come from being attuned to the pressure of that need to entertain?
Daphne Merkin on Lena Dunham, Book Criticism, and Self-Examination|Mindy Farabee|December 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The pressure worked against Zarif and it can work again today.
Behind Bars for the Holidays: 11 Political Prisoners We Want to See Free In 2015|Movements.Org|December 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It's a lot of pressure on host/producer Sarah Koenig, something she addresses in the beginning of the episode.
What if 'Serial' Has No Ending?|Alex Chancey, The Daily Beast Video|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The pressure against my throat seemed completely constricting.
Mailer’s Letters Pack a Punch and a Surprising Degree of Sweetness|Ronald K. Fried|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And considering the pressure of the necessary preparation for schools, the temptation to shun the byways is very great.
An American at Oxford|John Corbin
If the temperature is raised still higher, or the pressure is reduced, oxygen is given off and the oxide is once more formed.
An Elementary Study of Chemistry|William McPherson
Pressure was put upon the Highlanders to bring the negotiation to a conclusion.
A History of England, Period III.|Rev. J. Franck Bright
It was she, surely, who had spoken first, when she begged to be released from his pressure.
The Eustace Diamonds|Anthony Trollope
The gauge is attached to the gas burner and the pressure is read by means of a scale attached to the gauge.
General Science|Bertha M. Clark
British Dictionary definitions for pressure
/ (ˈprɛʃə) /
the state of pressing or being pressed
the exertion of force by one body on the surface of another
a moral force that compelsto bring pressure to bear
an urgent claim or demand or series of urgent claims or demandsto work under pressure
a burdensome condition that is hard to bearthe pressure of grief
the normal force applied to a unit area of a surface, usually measured in pascals (newtons per square metre), millibars, torr, or atmospheresSymbol: p, P
short for atmospheric pressure, blood pressure
(tr)to constrain or compel, as by the application of moral force
another word for pressurize
Derived forms of pressure
pressureless, adjective
Word Origin for pressure
C14: from Late Latin pressūra a pressing, from Latin premere to press
The force per unit area that one region of a gas, liquid, or solid exerts on another. Pressure is usually measured in Pascal units, atmospheres, or pounds per square inch.♦ A substance is said to have negative pressure if some other substance exerts more force per unit area on it than vice versa. Its value is simply the negative of the pressure exerted by the other substance.