[ proh-kree-ey -shuh n ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌproʊ kriˈeɪ ʃən / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun the act or process of begetting offspring: The techniques of medically assisted procreation are constantly progressing. Procreation perpetuates the species—hippos give birth to hippos, not humans.
OTHER WORDS FROM procreation non·pro·cre·a·tion, noun Words nearby procreation procrastinate, procrastination, Procrastination is the thief of time, procreant, procreate, procreation , procreative, Procrit, Procrustean, Procrustean bed, Procrustes
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for procreation It stands for the proposition that the biological basis of procreation should also be the sole organizing principle of society.
Is Pope Francis Backpedaling on Gays? | Jay Michaelson| November 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Other justifications, such as procreation and the raising of children, have been dismissed as bogus.
Justice Kennedy Opened the Door to Same-Sex Marriage, Will He Walk Through Next? | Geoffrey R. Stone| August 3, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Since the ban, Italians have been the ones traveling for the purpose of procreation .
Womb Service: Italy’s Baby-Making Troubles | Barbie Latza Nadeau| April 15, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Can anyone in such a society plausibly make an argument that marriage is the great vehicle for procreation ?
Question of the Day: Elena Kagan | Michael Tomasky| March 26, 2013| DAILY BEAST
On this matter of marriage existing for the purpose of procreation , Elena Kagan delivered the question of the day.
Question of the Day: Elena Kagan | Michael Tomasky| March 26, 2013| DAILY BEAST
There is nothing in the sex relation, or in procreation , to bring about any continuing relation between a man and a woman.
Folkways | William Graham Sumner
The progressive enervation of women in easy circumstances has no doubt rendered them less adapted to procreation .
The Sexual Question | August Forel
To understand the sun and moon and daisy and the secrets of procreation , bless your soul.
Fantasia of the Unconscious | D. H. Lawrence
A boy of 15, R., one afternoon gave me the astonishing information that my father had taken a part in my procreation .
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 (of 6) | Havelock Ellis
From this follows that the further development of man will probably lead to a decrease in procreation .
Woman and Socialism | August Bebel
Words related to procreation propagation, generation, breeding, conception, impregnation, begetting, engenderment