

单词 pro-european

Example sentences from the Web for pro-European

  • One thing that would help is if the government toned down its pro-European rhetoric, Benedict argues.

    Ukraine Revolutionaries Bitter about Crimea Loss and Kiev Incompetence|Jamie Dettmer|March 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
  • He has intimidated and humiliated the fledgling pro-European government in Kiev.

    Obama’s Nuclear Summit Aimed to Stop Terrorists. Now Putin’s the Issue.|Christopher Dickey, Jamie Dettmer, Nadette De Visser|March 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
  • Or that the pro-European protests rocking Ukraine are part of a Western plot to revenge 18th-century Tsarist military victories?

    Putin’s New Shock Jock|James Kirchick|December 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
  • In a speech on Thursday, Vice President Joe Biden expressed his sympathy for the pro-European street protests in the Ukraine.

    Biden Backs Ukrainian Protesters|Josh Rogin|December 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST



having enthusiasm or admiration for the European Union


a person who admires the European Union

Words nearby pro-European

proenzyme, proerythroblast, proerythrocyte, proestrogen, proestrus, pro-European, prof, profamily, profanation, profanatory, profane
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