comparative relation between things or magnitudes as to size, quantity, number, etc.; ratio.
proper relation between things or parts: to have tastes way out of proportion to one's financial means.
relative size or extent.
proportions,dimensions or size: a rock of gigantic proportions.
a portion or part in its relation to the whole: A large proportion of the debt remains.
symmetry, harmony, or balance: an architect with a sense of proportion.
the significance of a thing or event that an objective view reveals: You must try to see these mishaps in proportion.
Mathematics. a relation of four quantities such that the first divided by the second is equal to the third divided by the fourth; the equality of ratios.Compare rule of three.
Archaic. analogy; comparison.
verb (used with object)
to adjust in proper proportion or relation, as to size, quantity, etc.
to balance or harmonize the proportions of.
Origin of proportion
1350–1400; Middle English proporcio(u)n from Latin prōportiōn- (stem of prōportiō ) “symmetry, analogy.” See pro-1, portion
SYNONYMS FOR proportion
1 comparison.
5 share.
6 distribution, arrangement.
10 regulate, arrange, balance, harmonize.
synonym study for proportion
6. See symmetry.
pro·por·tion·er,nounpro·por·tion·less,adjectivemis·pro·por·tion,nounre·pro·por·tion,verb (used with object)
The proportion of people who, after landing on your app marketplace snippet clicks to go into the product page, is expressed in percentage, and it is called the conversion rate.
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These integrals take on monstrous proportions in multi-loop Feynman diagrams, which come into play as researchers march down the line and fold in more complicated virtual interactions.
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Rates of testing, he said, were lower in poorer areas and areas with higher proportions of residents who are racial minorities.
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Epidemiologists look to the percent-positive rate, or the proportion of positive tests relative to total tests done, to distinguish between these two possibilities.
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The 2019 Climate Equity Index Report found that cost burdens of basic needs, including energy, transportation and housing, are much higher in communities with a higher proportion of people of color.
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Like most such predators, their danger to humans is often blown out of proportion.
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At the same time, single women now rival evangelicals as a proportion of the electorate.
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Capitalist-led industrial growth shifted the proportion of the population living in cities.
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First, the epidemiologic: The proportion of adults who choose not to be parents is growing and sits at 20 percent or so.
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This got blown out of proportion and made into headlines, and somehow I looked like I was picking on her.
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And in the book it said, "It can be maintained that the evil of pride consists in being out of proportion to the universe."
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The penalty in the first case, was, it was felt, altogether out of proportion to the offence.
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Yet Mr. Ker laughs at the idea of the proportion being the same.
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We know that just in proportion to the loss of this substance are our vigor and strength taken from us.
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The same in its proportion is to be understood of the passive voice.
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British Dictionary definitions for proportion
/ (prəˈpɔːʃən) /
the relationship between different things or parts with respect to comparative size, number, or degree; relative magnitude or extent; ratio
the correct or desirable relationship between parts of a whole; balance or symmetry
a part considered with respect to the whole
(plural)dimensions or sizea building of vast proportions
a share, part, or quota
mathsa relationship that maintains a constant ratio between two variable quantitiesx increases in direct proportion to y
mathsa relationship between four numbers or quantities in which the ratio of the first pair equals the ratio of the second pair
to adjust in relative amount, size, etc
to cause to be harmonious in relationship of parts