

单词 anglerfish


[ ang-gler-fish ]
/ ˈæŋ glər fɪʃ /

noun, plural (especially collectively) an·gler·fish, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) an·gler·fish·es.

angler (defs. 3, 4).

Origin of anglerfish

First recorded in 1645–55; angler + fish

Words nearby anglerfish

angle of view, angle of yaw, angle plate, anglepod, angler, anglerfish, Angle's classification of malocclusion, Anglesey, angle shot, anglesite, anglesmith
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for anglerfish

  • Researchers found that anglerfish species that go for the most permanent, multi-partnered version of this mating routine have basically no ability to mount an attack against a novel infection.

    Egg yolk color doesn’t mean what you think it does|PopSci Staff|October 15, 2020|Popular Science
  • For deep-sea anglerfishes, sex resembles an organ transplant.

    An immune system quirk may help anglerfish fuse with mates during sex|Erin Garcia de Jesus|July 30, 2020|Science News




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