Both Amazon and Roku have built businesses selling ads in the third-party apps on their platforms and have become more aggressive in angling for access to inventory.
Shut out of Fire TV and Roku, Peacock is the latest example of the arrival power moves to streaming|Tim Peterson|July 15, 2020|Digiday
He flouted so many conventions of what the West regards as good taste that he seemed to be angling for a role as Dr. Evil.
What the D-Day Veteran Told Obama at the 70th Anniversary Commemoration|Christopher Dickey|June 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The possibilities for commercial success would even have Rita Repulsa angling for a stake in the profits.
The Power Rangers Are Morphing Back to Hollywood in a New Movie|Kevin Fallon|May 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But who can possibly remember that when you are now standing at the edge of what we now know you were angling toward all season!
Frank Underwood Will Not Tolerate Insubordination in This Olive Garden|Kelly Williams Brown|February 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
House Republicans angling to get big spending and tax cuts out of a new round of negotiations.
Jobs First Plan Would Create a U.S. Economic Ceasefire for Stability|Mark McKinnon|September 29, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The subtitle read: “With Obama moving cautiously, some hawks are angling for a US invasion.”
‘Neoconservative’ Needs to Be Retired. Why Not Try ‘Imperialist’?|Peter Beinart|June 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Lady Dunstane made no concealment of it as soon as she grew sensible of the angling.
Diana of the Crossways, Complete|George Meredith
The attraction of angling for all the ages of man, from the cradle to the grave, lies in its uncertainty.
Fisherman's Luck|Henry van Dyke
They are just as fond of angling and shooting as the race elsewhere.
The Long White Cloud|William Pember Reeves
This of course could not be said of angling if it had no other attraction than the excitement it affords.
The Galaxy, June 1877|Various
Alas, how transient is the fashion of this world, even in angling!
Fisherman's Luck|Henry van Dyke
British Dictionary definitions for angling
/ (ˈæŋɡlɪŋ) /
the art or sport of catching fish with a rod and line and a baited hook or other lure, such as a fly; fishing