an act or instance of annihilating, or of completely destroying or defeating someone or something: the brutal annihilation of millions of people.
the state of being annihilated total destruction; extinction: fear of nuclear annihilation.
Also called pair annihilation .the process in which a particle and antiparticle unite, annihilate each other, and produce one or more photons.Compare positronium.
the conversion of rest mass into energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
Origin of annihilation
First recorded in 1630–40; from French or directly from Late Latin annihilātiōn- (stem of annihilātiō ); see origin at annihilate, -ion
She just likes thinking about the end — the annihilation of Earth, the solar system, our galaxy and especially the universe.
This Cosmologist Knows How It’s All Going to End|Dan Falk|June 22, 2020|Quanta Magazine
It was three or four years of annihilation, and by the end my stomach was in bits.
Daniel Radcliffe: I’m Richer Than One Direction|Tim Teeman|October 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The consequences of a drug conviction amount to the annihilation of citizenship.
How We Got to Ferguson—a Reading List|David Masciotra|August 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Winters uses that cataclysmic event to examine the slow deterioration of communal life in the face of annihilation.
What Would You Do if the World Was Over?|William O’Connor|August 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
If anything he was much more conservative than JFK, why would Castro risk the annihilation of his country to make him president?
Who Really Killed JFK? Experts Pick the Wildest Conspiracy Theories|Thomas Flynn|November 20, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Not to mention his infamous photo of the annihilation of a $100,000 Birkin bag.
Celebrity Photographer Tyler Shields Exposes ‘The Dirty Side of Glamour’|Justin Jones|November 6, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Surely an eternity in such a miserably confused crowd would be worse than annihilation itself!
Practical Religion|John Charles Ryle
The literal fulfilment of that awful portent was but an incident in the annihilation of the city less than forty years later.
Jesus the Christ|James Edward Talmage
But still the magnificence of the spectacle appealed to my eyes, and my feeling of annihilation gave place to enthusiasm.
Urania|Camille Flammarion
Was it not always supposed that the guillotine is merciful, because quick in annihilation?
Guy Livingstone;|George A. Lawrence
It meant possibly the annihilation of his body, certainly its defeat.
Waterloo|Hilaire Belloc
British Dictionary definitions for annihilation
/ (əˌnaɪəˈleɪʃən) /
total destruction
the act of annihilating
physicsthe destruction of a particle and its antiparticle when they collide. The annihilation of an electron with a positron generates two or, very rarely, three photons of annihilation radiation . The annihilation of a nucleon with its antiparticle generates several pions