a conference technique of solving specific problems, amassing information, stimulating creative thinking, developing new ideas, etc., by unrestrained and spontaneous participation in discussion.
Each new offering was an idea put forth by a staff member during a 10-day business brainstorming challenge.
A Looming Menace for Restaurants: Winter Is Coming|Brenna Houck|October 15, 2020|Eater
Three sources contacted for this story said the meetings tend to be informal, mostly focused on brainstorming and thinking through large, complex programs that often take a while to come together.
‘This is a relationship business’: The in-person client meeting is beginning to make a comeback among publishers|Max Willens|July 13, 2020|Digiday
Rodenhouse typed “sensor-embedded nails” into a shared document while they were brainstorming.
Nail Polish Is the Next Wearable Tech|Elizabeth Lopatto|June 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There are the Hooli brainstorming sessions conducted atop a seven-person conference bike (a la Google).