something that is advantageous or good; an advantage: He explained the benefits of public ownership of the postal system.
a payment or gift, as one made to help someone or given by an employer, an insurance company, or a public agency: The company offers its employees a pension plan, free health insurance, and other benefits.
a theatrical performance or other public entertainment to raise money for a charitable organization or cause.
Archaic. an act of kindness; good deed; benefaction.
verb (used with object),ben·e·fit·ed or ben·e·fit·ted,ben·e·fit·ing or ben·e·fit·ting.
to do good to; be of service to: a health program to benefit everyone.
verb (used without object),ben·e·fit·ed or ben·e·fit·ted,ben·e·fit·ing or ben·e·fit·ting.
to derive benefit or advantage; profit; make improvement: He has never benefited from all that experience.
Idioms for benefit
for someone's benefit, so as to produce a desired effect in another's mind: He wasn't really angry; that was just an act for his girlfriend's benefit.
Origin of benefit
1350–1400; late Middle English benefytt, benefett (noun), alteration (with Latinized first syllable) of Middle English b(i)enfet, benefait<Anglo-French benfet,Middle French bienfait<Latin benefactum good deed; see bene-, fact
1 favor, service.
synonym study for benefit
1. See advantage.
ben·e·fit·er,ben·e·fit·ter,nounpre·ben·e·fit,verb,pre·ben·e·fit·ed or pre·ben·e·fit·ted,pre·ben·e·fit·ing or pre·ben·e·fit·ting.self-ben·e·fit,nounself-ben·e·fit·ing,self-ben·e·fit·ting,adjective
beneficence, beneficent, beneficial, beneficiary, beneficiate, benefit, benefit in kind, benefit of clergy, benefit of the doubt, benefits, benefit society
The risks of opening are uncertain, but the benefits are clear.
I’m an epidemiologist and a dad. Here’s why I think schools should reopen.|Benjamin P. Linas|July 9, 2020|Vox
One benefit of this setup, called a “stepped wedge trial,” is that it doesn’t relegate one block of individuals into a control group that goes without training for the duration of the study.
There’s little evidence showing which police reforms work|Sujata Gupta|July 9, 2020|Science News
Unnecessary state occupational licenses—often costly, time-consuming, and offering little benefit to consumers—should be eliminated.
4 ways to close America’s huge racial ‘opportunity gap’|matthewheimer|July 9, 2020|Fortune
There is one additional Flex 5G feature that sets it apart from competitors, and is both a big benefit and a big downside.
Review: The Lenovo Flex 5G, the world’s first 5G laptop|Aaron Pressman|July 8, 2020|Fortune
Praising the benefits of physical exercise helps little when jogging in a nearby neighborhood could cost your life.
These 5 numbers tell you everything you need to know about racial disparities in health care|matthewheimer|July 8, 2020|Fortune
Two-thirds of those who likely to benefit from the new policy are Mexican.
Why Mexicans Are Enraged by Obama’s Big Tuesday Meeting|Ruben Navarrette Jr.|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Not for the benefit of the harasser, of course, but for your own safety.
Cover-Ups and Concern Trolls: Actually, It's About Ethics in Suicide Journalism|Arthur Chu|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
He noted that some retail stores that benefit from Christmas sales still instruct employees to wish customers “Happy Holidays.”
A Field General in the War on Christmas|David Freedlander|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They embraced the notion of a growing America, whose economy could be expanded for the benefit of the majority.
Time to Bring Back the Truman Democrats|Joel Kotkin|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She was always positive and tried to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Beaten By His Church for Being Gay|Justin Jones|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
"Tha mun tak 'em all thisen, an' then tha'll feel th' benefit on em," sed Jim.
Yorksher Puddin'|John Hartley
In every way did I develop and benefit this my creation of a new town.
The Mercy of Allah|Hilaire Belloc
In the following pages will be found ample recipes for the benefit of parties who take either view.
Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery|A. G. Payne
We should only utter higher maxims so far as they can benefit the world.
Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources|James Wood
The real Basine was a characterization he maintained for the benefit of others.
Gargoyles|Ben Hecht
British Dictionary definitions for benefit
/ (ˈbɛnɪfɪt) /
something that improves or promotes
advantage or sakethis is for your benefit
an allowance paid by the government as for sickness, unemployment, etc, to which a person is entitled under social security or the national insurance scheme
any similar allowance in various other countries
(sometimes plural)a payment or series of payments made by an institution, such as an insurance company or trade union, to a person who is ill, unemployed, etc
a theatrical performance, sports event, etc, to raise money for a charity