noting or pertaining to automobiles approximately 25 years old or more.
in the tradition, fashion, or style of an earlier period; old-fashioned; antiquated.
of or belonging to the ancient Greeks and Romans.
(of paper) neither calendered nor coated and having a rough surface.
any work of art, piece of furniture, decorative object, or the like, created or produced in a former period, or, according to U.S. customs laws, 100 years before date of purchase.
the antique style, usually Greek or Roman, especially in art.
Printing. a style of type.
verb (used with object),an·tiqued,an·ti·quing.
to make or finish (something, especially furniture) in imitation of antiques.
to emboss (an image, design, letters, or the like) on paper or fabric.
verb (used without object),an·tiqued,an·ti·quing.
to shop for or collect antiques: She spent her vacation antiquing in Boston.
Origin of antique
1520–30; earlier also anticke (<Middle French antique) <Latin antīiquus, antīicus in front, existing earler, ancient; cf. antic, posticum
Dusty books, smoking pipes, tarot cards, and a Ouija board fill the antique furniture positioning any object as a clue.
Escape the Room—New York's Hottest Game|Justin Jones|September 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
All the incidents of the medieval fairy-tale are viewed from the antique standpoint.
Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature, Vol. II (of 6): The Romantic School in Germany|Georg Brandes
It was full of antique jewelry, antique furniture, antique laces and antique pottery—all of the most fascinating description.
Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad|Edith Van Dyne
The meaning of antic, a doublet of antique, has changed considerably, but the process is easy to follow.
The Romance of Words (4th ed.)|Ernest Weekley
From this great, antique room they crossed the quadrangle and entered the kitchen of the establishment.
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret|Nathaniel Hawthorne
The latter was bound in old leather covers, and its type was antique.
Fighting the Sea|Edward A. Rand
British Dictionary definitions for antique
/ (ænˈtiːk) /
a decorative object, piece of furniture, or other work of art created in an earlier period, that is collected and valued for its beauty, workmanship, and age
(as modifier)an antique shop
any object made in an earlier period
the antiquethe style of ancient art, esp Greek or Roman art, or an example of it
made in or in the style of an earlier period
of or belonging to the distant past, esp of or in the style of ancient Greece or Rome
informalold-fashioned; out-of-date
archaicaged or venerable
(of paper) not calendered or coated; having a rough surface
(tr)to give an antique appearance to
Word Origin for antique
C16: from Latin antīquus ancient, from ante before