Be that what it may, Branson himself saw another value in his company other than its technical achievements.
Can Anyone Make Space Safe for Civilians?|Clive Irving|November 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The Princess and her mom, Fergie, have been guests on Branson's private Necker island in the Caribbean.
Princess Beatrice Gives Up Her Virgin Galactic Dream|Tom Sykes|November 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Buckley swore out a peace warrant against Branson—he swore that his life was in danger.
Personal Recollections of Pardee Butler|Pardee Butler
The well-known and popular figure of Mr. Branson entered the dormitory.
King of Ranleigh|F. S. (Frederick Sadlier) Brereton
While in the midst of his examination, Miss Branson, accompanied by a Mr. Shriver, came in.
Between the Lines|Henry Bascom Smith
If the thing can't be beaten out, we'll wake Mr. Branson, and turn every fellow out of the dormitories.
King of Ranleigh|F. S. (Frederick Sadlier) Brereton
Was Branson—Old B., as fellows spoke of him usually—was he a fellow enthusiast?
King of Ranleigh|F. S. (Frederick Sadlier) Brereton
/ (ˈbrænsən) /
Sir Richard . born 1950, British entrepreneur. In 1969 he founded the Virgin record company, adding other interests later, including Virgin Atlantic Airways (1984), Virgin Radio (1993), and the Virgin Rail Group (1996): made the fastest crossing of the Atlantic by boat (1986) and the first of the Pacific by hot-air balloon (1991)