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[ kan-uhn-bawl ] / ˈkæn ənˌbɔl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR cannonball ON THESAURUS.COM
noun Also cannon ball .a missile, usually round and made of iron or steel, designed to be fired from a cannon. Tennis. a served ball that travels with great speed and describes little or no arc in flight. anything that moves with great speed, as an express train. adjectivemade from a curled-up position with the arms pressing the knees against one's chest: a cannonball dive. moving at great speed: a train known as a cannonball express. Origin of cannonballFirst recorded in 1655–65; cannon + ball1 Words nearby cannonballCannizzaro, Cannock, cannoli, cannon, cannonade, cannonball, cannonball pulse, cannonball tree, cannon bone, cannoneer, cannon fodder Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for cannonballMy description of Cannonball has become admittedly abstract, and the novel is sometimes inexplicably opaque. Joseph McElroy’s ‘Cannonball’ Is the Meta Iraq War Novel|Tom LeClair|July 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST A cannonball—metal or human—displaces water, but it regains its own level. Joseph McElroy’s ‘Cannonball’ Is the Meta Iraq War Novel|Tom LeClair|July 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST It is at this point that Cannonball turns toward Pynchonian conspiracy. Joseph McElroy’s ‘Cannonball’ Is the Meta Iraq War Novel|Tom LeClair|July 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST But the Republican Party has shot like a cannonball to the right. Michael Tomasky on Obama’s Delusions About the GOP’s ‘Fever’ Breaking|Michael Tomasky|June 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Leading from the front, he has a cannonball of a shot and can wreak havoc from distance. World Cup Primer|Joshua Robinson|June 12, 2010|DAILY BEAST His head was shot off by a cannonball just as his regiment was charging at the bridge. With Fire and Sword|Samuel H. M. Byers Hotel and tourist camp facilities limited in most towns; many natural camping places along the Cannonball River. As I entered the building a cannonball from the enemy crashed through the house and killed four soldiers by the stairway. With Fire and Sword|Samuel H. M. Byers He was buried in a hole pierced by a cannonball in the middle of the church of the Ursulines; and there he still rests. A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times|Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot Who was, then, the important personage struck by a French cannonball? The Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete|Constant
British Dictionary definitions for cannonball
nouna projectile fired from a cannon: usually a solid round metal shot tennis - a very fast low serve
- (as modifier)a cannonball serve
a jump into water by a person who has his arms tucked into the body to form a ball verb (intr)(often foll by along, etc) to rush along, like a cannonball to execute a cannonball jump Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to cannonballinformation, notice, word, directive, memo, memorandum, note, letter, report, news, armament, bomb, bullet, cartridge, rocket, materiel, missile, chemical, explosive, munition |