Because genetics influences aroma and flavor, Matthews is exploring whether it’s possible to better control aroma glycoside concentrations through breeding.
How does a crop’s environment shape a food’s smell and taste?|Carolyn Beans|September 10, 2020|Science News
Scientists aren’t sure exactly what the audience—some of which are birds that already have a breeding position in their own territory—gains from watching these fights, Barve says.
Blood, death, and eye gouging: welcome to the world of acorn woodpeckers|Kate Baggaley|September 9, 2020|Popular Science
To test this, they baited sticky traps with the chemical and put them on artificial grass and a natural breeding area of migratory locusts in northern China.
A single chemical may draw lonely locusts into a hungry swarm|Jonathan Lambert|September 7, 2020|Science News For Students
Birds that have access to stable food quantities over many years should arrive at their annual breeding grounds with the same energy reserves and fat insulation every year.
Math of the Penguins|Susan D'Agostino|August 17, 2020|Quanta Magazine
Her aim is to identify the genetic markers that contribute to a breed’s climate resilience, markers that might lead to more precise breeding and gene-editing practices.
Biotechnology Could Change the Cattle Industry. Will It Succeed?|Dyllan Furness|August 16, 2020|Singularity Hub
“Hence, there might be a net benefit, at least to some females, of breeding within the natal group,” the researchers speculate.
Mongooses, Meerkats, and Ants, Oh My! Why Some Animals Keep Mating All in the Family|Helen Thompson|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Its adaptability and breeding capabilities ensured that it would be selected for mass production on an unimaginable scale.
The History of the Chicken: How This Humble Bird Saved Humanity|William O’Connor|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The critters have the propensity to devour their babies if alarmed and so require a calm environment for breeding.
Whole Foods Wants to Feed You Cute, Furry Bunnies|Tim Mak|August 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Even when bred in captivity, Leahy said breeding facilities are often horrendous, resembling factory farming.
The $10 Billion Pet Cheetah and Chimp Industry|Sharon Adarlo|July 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Breeding a resistant strain can take five generations of plants, and 15 years.
Will Coffee Rust Hurt Starbucks?|Nina Strochlic|June 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Even when the breeding places are left, the poor birds are shot in thousands out at sea.
British Sea Birds|Charles Dixon
“It is purely a matter of breeding,” Christopher Burley replied stiffly.
The Cryptogram|William Murray Graydon
A common plan is to use all the longest and deepest sows of the first cross for breeding baconers.
Australia The Dairy Country|Australia Department of External Affairs
Heretofore, while there had been much discussion as to the breeding of racing dogs, it had been largely theoretical.
The Land of Tomorrow|William B Stephenson, Jr.
On many farms the breeding flock of ducks is fed on the same ration which is given the farm fowls.
Ducks and Geese|Harry M. Lamon
British Dictionary definitions for breeding
/ (ˈbriːdɪŋ) /
the process of bearing offspring; reproduction
the process of producing plants or animals by sexual reproduction
the result of good training, esp the knowledge of correct social behaviour; refinementa man of breeding
a person's line of descenthis breeding was suspect
physicsa process occurring in a nuclear reactor as a result of which more fissionable material is produced than is used up