verb (used with object),cal·i·brat·ed,cal·i·brat·ing.
to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements).
to divide or mark with gradations, graduations, or other indexes of degree, quantity, etc., as on a thermometer, measuring cup, or the like.
to determine the correct range for (an artillery gun, mortar, etc.) by observing where the fired projectile hits.
to plan or devise (something) carefully so as to have a precise use, application, appeal, etc.: a sales strategy calibrated to rich investors.
Origin of calibrate
First recorded in 1860–65; caliber + -ate1
cal·i·bra·tion,nouncal·i·bra·tor,cal·i·brat·er,nounin·ter·cal·i·bra·tion,nounre·cal·i·brate,verb (used with object),re·cal·i·brat·ed,re·cal·i·brat·ing.
It adapted measures every seven days to calibrate the blow to the wounded economy.
As infection rates rise, Europe embraces a ‘lockdown lite’ strategy|kdunn6|September 24, 2020|Fortune
So your default position might be that you should use all of that data to calibrate your estimates of uncertainty, rather than to try to predict under which conditions polls might be more or less reliable.
Our Election Forecast Didn’t Say What I Thought It Would|Nate Silver (|August 17, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Instead, they take to the streets when they think something is going seriously wrong in the city—and particularly in its carefully calibrated relationship with Beijing.
A timeline that explains what’s happening in Hong Kong|Mary Hui|August 16, 2020|Quartz
Also, we’ve found that FiveThirtyEight’s models — including our election forecasts since they were first published in 2008 — have been well calibrated over time.
How FiveThirtyEight’s 2020 Presidential Forecast Works — And What’s Different Because Of COVID-19|Nate Silver (|August 12, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Yuriy Boykiv, the president of DentsuX, said that while some fashion brands are “still calibrating” their spending, spending on digital and e-commerce have increased.
‘The Italians are back’: Fashion advertising roars back to life for publishers|Max Willens|July 22, 2020|Digiday
As a result of this book it is now much easier to calibrate the nature, range, and methods of the mogul.
Murdoch on the Rocks: How a Lone Reporter Revealed the Mogul's Tabloid Terror Machine|Clive Irving|August 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
You do that to a certain extent with performance capture by the way you calibrate the model of Caesar—or the rig, as we call it.
Motion Capture Maestro Andy Serkis on ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ and Revolutionizing Cinema|Marlow Stern|July 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I am here to correct and calibrate your morale compasses to true north.
Rogue L.A. Cop’s Facebook Manifesto: ‘You Will Now Live the Life of Prey’|The Daily Beast|February 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
There may be a lesson for the Obama administration as it tries to calibrate what Israel will do on Iran.