[ ahr-bi-trair -uh -lee ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌɑr bɪˈtrɛər ə li / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adverb based on the judgment or will of an individual: The Fourth Amendment protects my right to not be arbitrarily searched.
without an apparent reason or pattern; randomly; capriciously: There is no need to stop living life to its fullest simply because we have reached some arbitrarily set age for what broader society calls “retirement.”
Origin of arbitrarily arbitrary + -ly
OTHER WORDS FROM arbitrarily non·ar·bi·trar·i·ly, adverb un·ar·bi·trar·i·ly, adverb Words nearby arbitrarily arbitrable, arbitrage, arbitrager, arbitral, arbitrament, arbitrarily , arbitrary, arbitrate, arbitration, arbitration bar, arbitrator
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for arbitrarily Many of the others were arbitrarily sentenced under similar charges of “acting” or “conspiring” against national security.
Forget About a Kindler Gentler Iran | Nina Strochlic| August 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
In reality, the Iraqi borders had been arbitrarily drawn and disregarded 2,000 years of tribal, sectarian, and nomadic occupation.
Gertrude of Arabia, the Woman Who Invented Iraq | Clive Irving| June 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
If the IRS can target and discriminate against one group of Americans, it can arbitrarily do it to anyone.
The IRS Will Come for You Next, Unless Congress Acts Now | Matt Kibbe| May 17, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Yet the current debate is arbitrarily restricted to the chief public component of the American retirement system, Social Security.
What About Increased Social Security Benefits? | Michael Tomasky| April 9, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Who wants to leave their cash in an institution that unilaterally and arbitrarily reduces its deposit insurance commitment?
Cyprus on Fire? Blame the German Bullies. | Daniel Gross| March 19, 2013| DAILY BEAST
He arbitrarily rejected all that had been done before his time.
Celebrated Travels and Travellers | Jules Verne
How do you treat two words, not nouns, arbitrarily used as a name?
Compound Words | Frederick W. Hamilton
If not, then how vaguely and arbitrarily these occult powers work!
A Spring Walk in Provence | Archibald Marshall
In any event, man's fate was to be arbitrarily fixed forever by an unknown power superior to all law, and to all fact.
The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 1 (of 12) | Robert G. Ingersoll
It has been turned into an arbitrarily written version of the battle which ended in Hadding's defeat.
Teutonic Mythology, Vol. 1 of 3 | Viktor Rydberg, Ph.D.
Words related to arbitrarily forthwith, swiftly, promptly, immediately, readily, speedily, expeditiously, on the spot, peremptorily