Bialik credits a tutor she had when she was 15 for changing the trajectory of her life.
Mayim Bialik On Her First Emmy Nomination, for ‘The Big Bang Theory’|Maria Elena Fernandez|August 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Now all Bialik needs to figure out is how to calm her nerves about the Emmys.
Mayim Bialik On Her First Emmy Nomination, for ‘The Big Bang Theory’|Maria Elena Fernandez|August 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST
“She made it so beautiful and so lyrical,” said Bialik, whose parents were English teachers.
Mayim Bialik On Her First Emmy Nomination, for ‘The Big Bang Theory’|Maria Elena Fernandez|August 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST
When Bialik first heard the theory from friends who using it to raise their children, she thought they were crazy.
Mayim Bialik On Her First Emmy Nomination, for ‘The Big Bang Theory’|Maria Elena Fernandez|August 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST
“To be loved by fans is so important but to finally get critical acknowledgement is a very big deal for all of us,” Bialik said.
Mayim Bialik On Her First Emmy Nomination, for ‘The Big Bang Theory’|Maria Elena Fernandez|August 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST
A little later, the young poet Bialik gave powerful utterance to his feeling of wrath and shame in his "Burden of Nemirov."
History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Vol. 3 of 3.|S. M. Dubnow
Jabotinsky gave various lectures, one especially on Bialik, the great Jewish poet, being particularly memorable.
With the Judans in the Palestine Campaign|J. H. (John Henry) Patterson
British Dictionary definitions for Bialik
/ (ˈbjɑːlɪk) /
Hayyim Nahman (ˈhaɪm ˈnɑxman) orChaim Nachman . 1873–1934, Russian Jewish poet and writer. His long poems The Talmud Student (1894) and In the City of Slaughter (1903) established him as the major Hebrew poet of modern times