

单词 argyll and bute

Argyll and Bute

/ (ɑːˈɡaɪl) /


a council area in W Scotland on the Atlantic Ocean: in 1975 the historical counties of Argyllshire and Bute became part of Strathclyde region; in 1996 they were reinstated as a single unitary authority. Argyll and Bute is mountainous and includes the islands of Bute, Mull, Islay, and Jura. Administrative centre: Lochgilphead. Pop: 91 300 (2003 est). Area: 6930 sq km (2676 sq miles)

Words nearby Argyll and Bute

argus pheasant, arguta, argy-bargy, argyle, Argyll, Argyll and Bute, Argyll Robertson pupil, Argyllshire, argyria, Argyrol, argyrophil
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