Floral aromas help pollinators locate their favorite plants.
This moth may outsmart smog by learning to like pollution-altered aromas|Carmen Drahl|September 11, 2020|Science News
Ozone reacts with flower aroma molecules, changing their chemical structure and therefore their fragrance.
This moth may outsmart smog by learning to like pollution-altered aromas|Carmen Drahl|September 11, 2020|Science News
So the aromas of these beers are more likely to “creep” over time.
How does a crop’s environment shape a food’s smell and taste?|Carolyn Beans|September 10, 2020|Science News
Other researchers are finding that terroir leaves an imprint on the molecules that shape food’s aroma.
How does a crop’s environment shape a food’s smell and taste?|Carolyn Beans|September 10, 2020|Science News
The concentrations of three of the aroma glycosides differed across cultivar types but remained fairly similar within the same cultivar grown in the two locations.
How does a crop’s environment shape a food’s smell and taste?|Carolyn Beans|September 10, 2020|Science News
“Bottled lime juice is awful and lacks the flavor and aroma of the real thing,” Zimmern says.
Limepocalypse! Inside the Great Lime Shortage of 2014|Kara Cutruzzula|April 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The aroma of generations of wealth—not money, not people, but wealth—wafted through each room like a cloud of rare perfume.
Prada and Gucci Show Off Strong, Smart Sensuality at Milan Fall 2012 Fashion Shows|Robin Givhan|February 24, 2012|DAILY BEAST
It has nothing to do with aroma; the word refers to the enzyme aromatase.
The Super Bowl May Harm Your Masculinity|Arthur De Vany|February 3, 2011|DAILY BEAST
I sat down with her the next day at the Aroma Espresso Bar on West 72nd Street.
The Book on Aging Rockers|Jane Ciabattari|June 29, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Take a long, deep whiff of that aroma and ladle it over your warm fettuccine.
How to Cook 'Ghetto Gourmet'|The Daily Beast|December 8, 2009|DAILY BEAST
But a certain sweetness of the aroma of rank was beginning to permeate her republican senses.
The Duke's Children|Anthony Trollope
And the coffee, too,—how delicious the aroma of it, and how readily each man disposed of a quart!
Detailed Minutiae of Soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865|Carlton McCarthy
Yes, progress must be the aroma of life, and not its very substance.
The World's Greatest Books, Vol IX.|Edited by Arthur Mee and J.A. Hammerton
His punch had the aroma of arrack, though not arrack punch in the strict sense of the word.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 66, No. 410, December 1849|Various
Coffee should be made in such a way that the full strength and aroma may be obtained without developing the tannic acid.
Six Cups of Coffee|Maria Parloa
British Dictionary definitions for aroma
/ (əˈrəʊmə) /
a distinctive usually pleasant smell, esp of spices, wines, and plants