Meteorology. (of sky cover) being more than half, but not totally, covered by clouds.Compare scattered (def. 4).
changing direction abruptly: The fox ran in a broken line.
fragmentary or incomplete: a broken ton of coal weighing 1,500 pounds.
infringed or violated: A broken promise is a betrayal of trust.
interrupted, disrupted, or disconnected: After the phone call he returned to his broken sleep.
weakened in strength, spirit, etc.: His broken health was due to alcoholism.
tamed, trained, or reduced to submission: The horse was broken to the saddle.
imperfectly spoken, as language: She still speaks broken English.
spoken in a halting or fragmentary manner, as under emotional strain: He uttered a few broken words of sorrow.
(of a relationship) split apart; not intact: a broken marriage.
(of a family) disunited or divided by the prolonged or permanent absence of a parent, usually due to divorce or desertion: a child from a broken home; broken families.
not smooth; rough or irregular: We left the plains and rode through broken country.
ruined; bankrupt: the broken fortunes of his family.
Papermaking, Printing. a quantity of paper of less than 500 or 1000 sheets.
It’s no longer neat and clean, but rather it’s a mess of obsolete content, 404 errors, broken links, and other online debris.
How to teach an old blog new SEO tricks|Tom Pick|August 27, 2020|Search Engine Watch
The ichthyosaur’s fossilized body and head, while well preserved, are detached from one another, hinting that the animal may have died of a broken neck.
This ichthyosaur died after devouring a creature nearly as long as itself|Maria Temming|August 20, 2020|Science News
A week and a half into what has become the most widespread protests against the existing political order, you don’t see broken windows or burned-out cars.
A Proud Belarusian’s Heartbreak|Tracy Moran|August 18, 2020|Ozy
Tweed traveled to the state capital Tallahassee for a drive-around rally to protest the broken system.