单词 | calypso |
释义 | Calypso[ kuh-lip-soh ] / kəˈlɪp soʊ / noun, plural Ca·lyp·sos.Also Ka·lyp·so .Classical Mythology. a sea nymph who detained Odysseus on the island of Ogygia for seven years. (lowercase)Also called fair·y-slip·per [fair-ee-slip-er] /ˈfɛər iˌslɪp ər/ . a terrestrial orchid, Calypso bulbosa, of the Northern Hemisphere, having a single variegated purple, yellow, and white flower. (lowercase) a musical style of West Indian origin, influenced by jazz, usually having topical, often improvised, lyrics. verb (used without object)(lowercase) to sing or dance to calypso. Origin of Calypsothe name of the musical style is of obscure origin and perhaps only copies the spelling of Calypso the sea nymph OTHER WORDS FROM Calypsoca·lyp·so·ni·an [kuh-lip-soh-nee-uhn, kal-ip-], /kə lɪpˈsoʊ ni ən, ˌkæl ɪp-/, noun, adjectiveWords nearby Calypsocalyculus, Calydon, Calydonian boar, Calydonian hunt, Calymmatobacterium, Calypso, calypsonian, calyptra, calyptrogen, calyx, Calzaghe Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for CalypsoBritish Dictionary definitions for Calypso (1 of 3)calypso1 / (kəˈlɪpsəʊ) / noun plural -sosa popular type of satirical, usually topical, West Indian ballad, esp from Trinidad, usually extemporized to a percussive syncopated accompaniment a dance done to the rhythm of this song Word Origin for calypsoC20: probably from Calypso British Dictionary definitions for Calypso (2 of 3)calypso2 / (kəˈlɪpsəʊ) / noun plural -sosa rare N temperate orchid, Calypso (or Cytherea) bulbosa, whose flower is pink or white with purple and yellow markings Word Origin for calypsoC19: named after Calypso British Dictionary definitions for Calypso (3 of 3)Calypso / (kəˈlɪpsəʊ) / nounGreek myth (in Homer's Odyssey) a sea nymph who detained Odysseus on the island of Ogygia for seven years Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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