having the capability of starting, operating, moving, etc., independently: an automatic sprinkler system; an automatic car wash.
Physiology. occurring independently of volition, as certain muscular actions; involuntary.
done unconsciously or from force of habit; mechanical: an automatic application of the brakes.
occurring spontaneously: automatic enthusiasm.
(of a firearm, pistol, etc.) utilizing the recoil or part of the force of the explosive to eject the spent cartridge shell, introduce a new cartridge, cock the arm, and fire it repeatedly.
a machine that operates automatically.
automatic rifle.
automatic pistol.
Football. audible (def. 2).
automatic pilot.
automatic transmission.
an automobile equipped with automatic transmission.
Idioms for automatic
on automatic, being operated or controlled by or as if by an automatic device.
Origin of automatic
First recorded in 1740–50; from Greek autómat(os) “self-moving” (see automaton) + -ic
synonym study for automatic
2. Automatic,involuntary,spontaneous all mean not under the control of the will. That which is automatic, however, is an invariable reaction to a fixed type of stimulus: The patella reflex is automatic. That which is involuntary is an unexpected response that varies according to the occasion, circumstances, mood, etc.: an involuntary cry of pain. That which is spontaneous arises from immediate stimuli and usually involves an expression of strong feeling: a spontaneous roar of laughter.
A Google representative told HKFP that the blurring was due to an algorithm error in its automatic blurring technology typically used to obscure faces and vehicle license plates, but did not provide further details.
Google Maps blurred “fight for freedom” and “democracy” graffiti in Hong Kong|Mary Hui|September 8, 2020|Quartz
The youngest beginners on 50cc dirt bikes will have automatic transmissions—twist-and-go options.
Your kid wants a dirt bike. Here’s what to buy them.|By Serena Bleeker/Dirt Rider|September 4, 2020|Popular Science
In addition, “If you pay through manual payments or make a prepayment on your automatic payments account, these fees may be charged after your payment has been fully spent.”
Advertisers to absorb Google’s digital services taxes in UK, Austria, Turkey|Ginny Marvin|September 1, 2020|Search Engine Land
Google Duo, for example, is the latest app to test automatic closed captions, putting text on recorded video calls via the same artificial intelligence that powers the Google Assistant and the voice typing feature on Google Docs.
Learn how to add closed captions to video calls, Netflix, and more|David Nield|August 28, 2020|Popular Science
Google Duo is taking it slow by testing automatic subtitles on Android and iOS, but only for previously recorded video and audio messages.
Learn how to add closed captions to video calls, Netflix, and more|David Nield|August 28, 2020|Popular Science
Hovering above the scene, commandos in helicopters were poised with automatic rifles.
France Kills Charlie Hebdo Murderers|Nico Hines|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The low crunch of packed dirt against rubber tire was overwhelmed by the ragged explosions of automatic gunfire.
A Belgian Prince, Gorillas, Guerrillas & the Future of the Congo|Nina Strochlic|November 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Instead we heard the crackle of automatic gunfire and we could see gray smoke rising from the eastern side of the town.
In the Battle for Kobani, ISIS Falls Back. But for How Long?|Jamie Dettmer|October 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He now stands in the self-proclaimed caliphate, also holding a child as well as an automatic weapon.
ISIS Has a Bigger Coalition Than We Do|Michael Daly|October 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A little girl was given an automatic weapon to play with this week.
9-Year Old With an Uzi? America Is Tougher on Toys Than Guns|Cliff Schecter|August 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Every automatic co-ordinated act is not of necessity cortical.
Tics and Their Treatment|Henry Meigne
If the brake cylinder pipe breaks, can the locomotive brake be applied with the automatic brake valve?
The Traveling Engineers' Association|Anonymous
Johnny would stand little show with him in a duel, good as his automatic was.
Triple Spies|Roy J. Snell
Nay, between the two cases there is a parallelism even in respect of the exceptions to this automatic action.
Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative, Vol. I|Herbert Spencer
Strangely enough the reverse has been true in the development of the automatic system.
Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy, Vol. 2|Kempster Miller
British Dictionary definitions for automatic
/ (ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk) /
performed from force of habit or without conscious thought; lacking spontaneity; mechanicalan automatic smile
(of a device, mechanism, etc) able to activate, move, or regulate itself
(of an act or process) performed by such automatic equipment
(of the action of a muscle, gland, etc) involuntary or reflex
occurring as a necessary consequencepromotion is automatic after a year
(of a firearm)
utilizing some of the force of or gas from each explosion to eject the empty shell case, replace it with a new one, and fire continuously until release of the triggerCompare semiautomatic (def. 2)
short for semiautomatic (def. 2) See also machine (def. 5)