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[ broo-ding ] / ˈbru dɪŋ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR brooding ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivepreoccupied with depressing, morbid, or painful memories or thoughts: a brooding frame of mind. cast in subdued light so as to convey a somewhat threatening atmosphere: Dusk fell on the brooding hills. VIDEO FOR BROODINGWATCH NOW: What Makes Attractive People "Brooding"?What do Ryan Gosling and a mother Canada goose have in common? They are both dark and brooding. MORE VIDEOS FROM DICTIONARY.COM Origin of brooding1810–20 for def. 1; 1640–50 for def. 2; brood + -ing2 OTHER WORDS FROM broodingbrood·ing·ly, adverbnon·brood·ing, adjective, nounun·brood·ing, adjectiveWords nearby broodingbrooch, brood, brood bitch, brood bud, brooder, brooding, broodmare, brood parasite, brood parasitism, brood pouch, broody Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for broodingCarell is good in a brooding, atmospheric movie but Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo are better. Channing Tatum Is the Real Star of ‘Foxcatcher'|Nico Hines|October 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST In the Jockey ad, half of Jim Palmer's princely, brooding face is fully lighted, the other half is masked in shadow. Will the Real Jim Palmer Please Stand Up|Tom Boswell|September 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST I had left a party early, brooding about why I felt so strongly about something that, ostensibly, had “nothing to do with me.” Men Without a Country: Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, My Father and Me|Arthur Chu|August 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST Hollywood is gripped by an obsession so all-consuming that no blockbuster is safe from its brooding influence. The Ghastly ‘Maleficent’ and Why It’s Time For Hollywood to Kill the Dark Reboot|Andrew Romano|May 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Nine times out of ten, it will conjure up an image of a brooding, sweaty, long-haired hunk. Taylor Kitsch on ‘The Normal Heart,’ Homophobic Right-Wingers, and Gays in the Military|Marlow Stern|May 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST All at once a man rose from somewhere and stood, a dark splotch, against the brooding heat of the sky. My Country|Marie, Queen of Rumania Once more she dropped her chin upon her hand and fell to brooding, her eyes upon the river. She lay in bed for several days, scarcely touching food, brooding upon her disgrace until she was really ill. The Cricket|Marjorie Cooke It had made her eager and parted-lipped, and passionate for all the brooding joys of existence. The Blood Red Dawn|Charles Caldwell Dobie Anything more drear and depressing than the brooding gloom of the haunted wood could hardly be imagined. Haviland's Chum|Bertram Mitford
Content related to broodingWhat Makes Attractive People “Brooding”?What do Ryan Gosling and a mother Canada goose have in common? They are both dark and brooding. Words related to broodingdaydream, grieve, meditate, sulk, mope, ruminate, fret, gloom, ponder, consider, deliberate, sigh, repine, despond, muse, reflect, lament, speculate, dream, bleed |