self-governing; independent; subject to its own laws only.
pertaining to an autonomy, or a self-governing community.
having autonomy; not subject to control from outside; independent: a subsidiary that functioned as an autonomous unit.
(of a vehicle) navigated and maneuvered by a computer without a need for human control or intervention under a range of driving situations and conditions: an autonomous vehicle.
existing and functioning as an independent organism.
growing naturally or spontaneously, without cultivation.
Origin of autonomous
1790–1800; <Greek autónomos “with laws of one's own, independent,” equivalent to auto-auto-1 + nóm(os) “law, custom” + -os adj. suffix
We firmly believe in the future of autonomous mobility as a safe and cost-effective form of transportation with a vast addressable market.
Yandex spins out self-driving car unit from its Uber JV, invests $150M into new co|Ingrid Lunden|September 4, 2020|TechCrunch
The future of transportation is on-demand autonomous vehicles traveling on roads and highways, providing riders with better, faster, and cheaper, point-to-point service.
Politics Report: Bry vs. Transit|Andrew Keatts and Scott Lewis|August 29, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Yet as the broader industry shifts toward more niche use cases for autonomous technology, some industry executives are left wondering about the divide between Aurora’s big ambitions and the current state of its product.
Last Unicorn Standing: Can This Self-Driving Innovator Survive?|Charu Kasturi|August 27, 2020|Ozy
The company started using its fleet of autonomous Chrysler Pacifica minivans to map Texas and New Mexico roads in January.
Waymo Just Started Testing Its Driverless Trucks in Texas|Vanessa Bates Ramirez|August 27, 2020|Singularity Hub
Another group of companies are working on autonomous drones to solve “last mile” delivery of packages.
Cessna makes history by taking off and landing with no one aboard. Here’s how|Jeremy Kahn|August 26, 2020|Fortune
Finally free of Japanese interference, Korea elected its first autonomous government in almost half a century.
Propaganda, Protest, and Poisonous Vipers: The Cinema War in Korea|Rich Goldstein|December 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
New York cannot be personified; it is not an autonomous entity.
New York Is Taylor Swift’s New Boyfriend|Amy Zimmerman|October 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Our aim is that one day the mission will be autonomous, but we have a long way to go to reach that.
Are European Rescuers Enticing Migrants to Their Deaths?|Barbie Latza Nadeau|September 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Since then, it has been part of Ukraine, but as an autonomous republic.
Vladimir Putin’s Seizure of Crimea Is Based on Pure Fiction|Oleg Shynkarenko|March 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
By 2026, a chart he included noted, we could have “100% autonomous penetration, utopian society.”
Tesla Looks Like a Bubble, Will It Pop?|Daniel Gross|March 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The whole of Attica was divided into one hundred communal districts, so-called demoi, every one of which was autonomous.
The Origin of the Family Private Property and the State|Frederick Engels
If it be taken in its strict acceptation of autonomous state sovereignty, the exception is somewhat of a truism.
The "autonomous state of Epirus," another outcome of the Balkan troubles, has given us some quaint stamps.
The Postage Stamp in War|Fred. J. Melville
The leaf of Mimosa has, moreover, as I shall show, an autonomous movement of its own.
Life Movements in Plants, Volume II, 1919|Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose
In the autonomous towns factions had arisen as fierce as those of the cities of Italy.
The History of England|T.F. Tout
British Dictionary definitions for autonomous
/ (ɔːˈtɒnəməs) /
(of a community, country, etc) possessing a large degree of self-government
of or relating to an autonomous community
independent of others
acting or able to act in accordance with rules and principles of one's own choosing
(in the moral philosophy of Kant, of an individual's will) directed to duty rather than to some other endCompare heteronomous (def. 3) See also categorical imperative
biologyexisting as an organism independent of other organisms or parts
a variant spelling of autonomic (def. 3)
Derived forms of autonomous
autonomously, adverb
Word Origin for autonomous
C19: from Greek autonomos living under one's own laws, from auto- + nomos law