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[ uh-sey-luhnt ] / əˈseɪ lənt / SEE SYNONYMS FOR assailant ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveArchaic. assailing; attacking; hostile. Origin of assailantFrom the Middle French word assaillant, dating back to 1525–35. See assail, -ant Words nearby assailantAssad, Assad, Hafez al-, assagai, assai, assail, assailant, Assam, Assamese, Assam States, assassin, assassinate Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for assailantSomebody yanks Chan and elbows him and he is momentarily distracted trying to apprehend his assailant. Protesters Slimed This Good Samaritan Cop|Michael Daly|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST The rationale in those cases, he said, is that DNA should be used to identify the assailant. How the U.S. Ended Up With 400,000 Untested Rape Kits|Caitlin Dickson|September 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST My assailant will remain unpunished, and life on this campus will continue its course as if nothing had happened. Harvard’s Biggest Problem With Sexual Assault Is Harvard Itself|Emily Shire|April 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST Depending on the setting this allows the gamer to actually listen to his assailant. My Secret Life in Los Santos|Eli Lake|November 29, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Harold stalks Rosemary, as he presumes Kim was stalked by her assailant. The Canadian Faulkner|Tom LeClair|June 24, 2013|DAILY BEAST If any assailant strive to follow, strike him down without mercy. The Lost Treasure of Trevlyn|Evelyn Everett-Green With his temper and dangerous surroundings, he was a man to be dreaded by his foes, for he meant to kill any assailant. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 7, 1922|Various Garibaldi coolly parried the blow, and struck down his assailant, while Missori shot the three nearest dragoons with his revolver. The Liberation of Italy|Countess Evelyn Martinengo-Cesaresco In a moment Ugh-lomi dropped his club and had his assailant by the waist, and had pitched him sideways sprawling. Tales of Space and Time|Herbert George Wells Failing to reach me across the table, my assailant tried to dodge me by false starts, now at this side, now at that. A Day's Ride|Charles James Lever
British Dictionary definitions for assailant
nouna person who attacks another, either physically or verballyhe was unable to recognize his assailants Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to assailantaggressor, mugger, enemy, invader, goon, foe, assaulter, antagonist, bushwhacker, opposite number |