an outdoor fire for warmth or cooking, as at a camp.
a gathering around such a fire.
a reunion of soldiers, scouts, etc.
Origin of campfire
First recorded in 1665–75; camp1 + fire
Words nearby campfire
camper van, Campese, campesino, campestral, camp fever, campfire, Camp Fire Boy, Camp Fire Girl, camp follower, campground, camphene
Definition for campfire (2 of 2)
Camp Fire
a U.S. organization for girls and boys that emphasizes the building of character and good citizenship through work, health, and love; originally founded for girls (Camp Fire girls ) in 1910, it is now open to both boys and girls (Camp Fire members ).
How Do I Write A Scary Campfire Story?Hankering to write a scary story to tell around your next campfire? We commend you for your creative impulse and have a few suggestions about how to make your next story session a bone-chilling success.