

单词 pseudepigrapha


[ soo-duh-pig-ruh-fuh ]
/ ˌsu dəˈpɪg rə fə /

noun (used with a plural verb)

certain writings (other than the canonical books and the Apocrypha) professing to be Biblical in character.

Origin of pseudepigrapha

1685–95; <New Latin <Greek, neuter plural of pseudepíigraphos falsely inscribed, bearing a false title. See pseud-, epigraph, -ous

OTHER WORDS FROM pseudepigrapha

pseud·ep·i·graph·ic [soo-dep-i-graf-ik], /ˌsu dɛp ɪˈgræf ɪk/, pseud·ep·i·graph·i·cal, pseud·e·pig·ra·phous, pseud·e·pig·ra·phal, adjective

Words nearby pseudepigrapha

pseudallescheriasis, pseudamphora, pseudankylosis, pseudarthrosis, pseudaxis, pseudepigrapha, pseudepigraphy, pseudesthesia, pseudisodomic, pseudo, pseudoacanthosis nigricans
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for pseudepigrapha

  • Daniel also deals with the fate of the kingdoms of the world, but in the Apocalyptic fashion of the Pseudepigrapha.

    Expositor's Bible: The Book of Jeremiah|William Henry Bennett

British Dictionary definitions for pseudepigrapha

/ (ˌsjuːdɪˈpɪɡrəfə) /

pl n

various Jewish writings from the first century bc to the first century ad that claim to have been divinely revealed but which have been excluded from the Greek canon of the Old TestamentAlso called (in the Roman Catholic Church): Apocrypha

Derived forms of Pseudepigrapha

Pseudepigraphic (ˌsjuːdɛpɪˈɡræfɪk), Pseudepigraphical or Pseudepigraphous, adjective

Word Origin for Pseudepigrapha

C17: from Greek pseudepigraphos falsely entitled, from pseudo- + epigraphein to inscribe
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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