[ chee -kee ] SHOW IPA
adjective, cheek·i·er, cheek·i·est. impudent; insolent: a cheeky fellow; cheeky behavior.
Origin of cheeky First recorded in 1855–60; cheek + -y1
SYNONYMS FOR cheeky saucy, audacious, bold.
OTHER WORDS FROM cheeky cheek·i·ly, adverb cheek·i·ness, noun Words nearby cheeky cheekpiece, cheek pouch, cheek strap, cheek tooth, Cheektowaga, cheeky , cheep, cheer, cheerer-upper, cheerful, cheerio
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for cheeky Now, like a cheeky photo bomber, Apple’s orb bobs in the marina and uses Safdie’s towers as dramatic backdrop.
Apple’s ‘most ambitious’ new store is a departure from its signature design | claychandler| September 8, 2020| Fortune
Ricky Gervais, the sultan of scorn, uttered that cheeky bit while emceeing the Golden Globes ceremony a few years back.
The Golden Globes Sobers Up (Sort Of): Years of Ridicule and Bribery Rumors Scares HFPA Straight | Marlow Stern| December 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The revival swept in glam costumes, elegant choreography, and cheeky fun, sometimes weaving in social commentary.
Best Career Arc Ever: From Burlesque To Bartending | Anne Berry| September 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Greaves and a handful of friends founded it in January as a vehicle for a cheeky , in-your-face brand of political theater.
Satan Is Coming to Oklahoma | Michelle Cottle| December 10, 2013| DAILY BEAST
It was the cataclysmic collision of spitfire upstart performer, brilliant pop song, and cheeky music video.
Britney Spears’s ‘…Baby One More Time’ Turns 15: The Making of an Iconic Music Video | Kevin Fallon| October 23, 2013| DAILY BEAST
They convey clearly, in a cheeky , campy kind of way, what the site is all about— getting the lowest price possible.
Priceline Stock Breaks Through $1,000 Barrier | William O’Connor| September 19, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Her cheeky feather was made to dance attendance for a moment; and then she was shown into the office.
The Bill-Toppers | Andre Castaigne
Jerry isn't as cheeky as he used to be in Flanders last year, is he?
Pushed and the Return Push | George Herbert Fosdike Nichols, (AKA Quex)
A zygomatic zoophagan is a sort of cheeky animal that eats other animals.
Half-Hours with Jimmieboy | John Kendrick Bangs
Ralph looked him over as a cool specimen, although there was nothing “cheeky ” about the intruder.
Ralph on the Overland Express | Allen Chapman
Herbert foresaw that Eustace was likely to be uppish and cheeky , and would want keeping in his place.
Queensland Cousins | Eleanor Luisa Haverfield
British Dictionary definitions for cheeky adjective cheekier or cheekiest disrespectful in speech or behaviour; impudent a cheeky child
Derived forms of cheeky cheekily , adverb cheekiness , noun Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Content related to cheeky What’s Another Word For “Cute”?Puppies are undeniably cute, as are toddlers, bunnies, and Baby Yoda. Beyond that, however, cute just doesn’t always cut it.
Words related to cheeky saucy, brash, bold, audacious, brazen, disrespectful, forward, impertinent, insolent, insulting, nervy, ballsy