

单词 chemopallidectomy


[ kee-moh-pal-i-dek-tuh-mee, kem-oh- ]
/ ˌki moʊˌpæl ɪˈdɛk tə mi, ˌkɛm oʊ- /

noun, plural che·mo·pal·li·dec·to·mies.Surgery.

an operation for treating Parkinson's disease and certain other diseases characterized by muscular rigidity, consisting of destroying a specific part of the corpus striatum by injecting it with a chemical, usually alcohol.

Origin of chemopallidectomy

chemo- + New Latin pallid(um) a muscle (noun use of neuter of Latin pallidus pale) + -ectomy

Words nearby chemopallidectomy

chemoluminescence, chemonasty, chemonite, chemonucleolysis, chemo-organotroph, chemopallidectomy, chemoprevention, chemoprophylaxis, chemoprotection, chemoreception, chemoreceptor
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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