noun (in the U.S.) a school that is maintained at public expense for the education of the children of a community or district and that constitutes a part of a system of free public education commonly including primary and secondary schools.
(in England) any of a number of endowed secondary boarding schools that prepare students chiefly for the universities or for public service.
Origin of public school First recorded in 1570–80
OTHER WORDS FROM public school public-school, adjective Words nearby public school public prosecutor, Public Record Office, public relations, public room, public sale, public school , public sector, public servant, public service, public-service corporation, public speaking
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for public school Documentary king Davis Guggenheim is back with a close look at public-school teachers.
Davis Guggenheim Wants to Know, ‘What is a Teacher?’ | Caitlin Dickson| September 5, 2013| DAILY BEAST
I went to this private school and he was a public-school boy, a really popular baseball player.
How 10 Porn Stars Lost Their Virginity | Aurora Snow| May 7, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The oldest of three siblings, Heimbach was raised by two public-school teachers in the small town of Poolesville, Maryland.
Riding Along With a Towson University Student’s ‘White Patrol’ | Caitlin Dickson| April 24, 2013| DAILY BEAST
When I left in 2007 to become a public-school teacher in New York City, I ultimately lost my job after blogging about my past.
Life After Sex Work | Melissa Petro| December 17, 2012| DAILY BEAST
As 25,000 public-school teachers stage a walkout in Chicago, Emanuel is facing the first major trauma of his mayorship.
Rahm Emanuel Up Against a Teacher’s Strike | James Warren| September 10, 2012| DAILY BEAST
The majority of members of Congress talk bad grammar; so do the majority of public-school teachers.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 122, December, 1867 | Various
Well, clearly, if the public-school men hold back, the others will not follow.
War Letters of a Public-School Boy | Paul Jones.
The time was the end of July, and on this very day Basil and Eric, the two public-school boys, were coming home.
The Children of Wilton Chase | Mrs. L. T. Meade
His recollections of Sheen were not conducive to a picture of him as a public-school boxer.
The White Feather | P. G. Wodehouse
No foreigner, no Englishman unless he be of the public-school class, will ever understand that strange medley.
Sonia Between two Worlds | Stephen McKenna
British Dictionary definitions for public school noun (in England and Wales) a private independent fee-paying secondary school
(in the US) any school that is part of a free local educational system
in certin Canadian provinces, a public elementray school as distinguished from a separate school
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012