Yet, “I Have Something to Tell You” isn’t your typical, political puff piece.
‘I Have Something to Tell You’ not typical, political puff piece|Kathi Wolfe|September 24, 2020|Washington Blade
By the 1960s, researchers discovered that flooding the subterranean reservoirs with steam or injecting it in cycles, through a process known as “huff and puff,” worked well.
Oil Companies Are Profiting From Illegal Spills. And California Lets Them.|by Janet Wilson, The Desert Sun, and Lylla Younes, ProPublica|September 18, 2020|ProPublica
It plays relaxing music at just the right volume, releases a puff of light lavender-scented essential oil, and maybe even says some meditative quotes to calm you down.
Cars Will Soon Be Able to Sense and React to Your Emotions|Vanessa Bates Ramirez|July 29, 2020|Singularity Hub
This vast puff of smoke, which still hasn’t fully dissipated, spanned roughly 1,000 kilometers — about the width of Montana.
Smoke from Australian fires rose higher into the ozone layer than ever before|Maria Temming|June 15, 2020|Science News
And even ordinary exercisers may subject themselves to dirty looks if they puff near their gym.
E-Cigarettes: The Side Effects Nobody Talks About|DailyBurn|September 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So we salute you, Mr. Fielder, even as we continue to huff and puff at the gym in pursuit of those rippling ridges.
Prince Fielder’s Demi Moore Moment: World Loses It Over Athlete Without Six-Pack|Tim Teeman|July 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In his new video for “I Want the Love,” Puff Daddy sits tight on what appears to be a pretty good replica of the iron throne.
Stars, They’re Obsessed with ‘Game of Thrones’ Just Like Us!|Amy Zimmerman|June 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“I would disappear in a puff of smoke and then reappear,” a former Dorothy recalled during her return to the Land of Oz.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road…to North Carolina|Nina Strochlic|February 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Puff for puff, no one is calling e-cigarettes worse than normal cigarettes.
E-Cigarettes, Facing Ban, Still Figuring Out What They Want to Be|Alex Halperin|December 19, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Lushington was an aggressive smoker, and with every puff he seemed to say: 'There!
Fair Margaret|Francis Marion Crawford
Rob, did you see that puff of smoke coming out of the house then?
The Boy Scouts on Belgian Battlefields|Lieut. Howard Payson
The puff paste points and patty shells may be made of the same paste.
Dinners and Luncheons|Paul Pierce
There was no enemy to be seen and not even a puff of smoke to suggest his whereabouts.
Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, October 21, 1914|Various
Puff paste in the form of tubes and shells may be used for serving foods daintily.
Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 4|Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
British Dictionary definitions for puff
/ (pʌf) /
a short quick draught, gust, or emission, as of wind, smoke, air, etc, esp a forceful one
the amount of wind, smoke, etc, released in a puff
the sound made by or associated with a puff
an instance of inhaling and expelling the breath as in smoking
a swelling
a light aerated pastry usually filled with cream, jam, etc
a powder puff
exaggerated praise, as of a book, product, etc, esp through an advertisement
a piece of clothing fabric gathered up so as to bulge in the centre while being held together at the edges
a loose piece of hair wound into a cylindrical roll, usually over a pad, and pinned in place in a coiffure
a less common word for quilt (def. 1)
one's breath (esp in the phrase out of puff)
derogatory, slanga male homosexual
a dialect word for puffball
to blow or breathe or cause to blow or breathe in short quick draughts or blasts
(tr; often foll by out; usually passive)to cause to be out of breath
to take puffs or draws at (a cigarette, cigar, or pipe)
to move with or by the emission of puffsthe steam train puffed up the incline
(often foll by up, out, etc) to swell, as with air, pride, etc
(tr)to praise with exaggerated empty words, often in advertising
(tr)to apply (cosmetic powder) from a powder puff to (the face)
to increase the price of (a lot in an auction) artificially by having an accomplice make false bids
Word Origin for puff
Old English pyffan; related to Dutch German puffen, Swiss pfuffen, Norwegian puffa, all of imitative origin