Colleges and universities must evaluate their acceptance procedures and cost structures.
We won’t have a true economic recovery until we tackle the racial wealth gap|matthewheimer|September 1, 2020|Fortune
Mental health is a serious issue, but it’s also a deeply complex one and there’s growing acceptance among leaders that it’s time businesses made mental health a priority.
Deep Dive: How companies and their employees are facing the future of work|Digiday|September 1, 2020|Digiday
On Thursday evening during his acceptance speech, the president got at stocks, but barely.
Trump’s spent years touting the stock market. At the RNC, he just … didn’t.|Emily Stewart|August 28, 2020|Vox
What I try to really help people with in my book, and I’m doing a course on this for the first time in September, is to help people realize that acceptance is what leads to wholeness.
Are You Yoda or Darth Vader? - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Brian Gallagher|August 26, 2020|Nautilus
In addition to other forms of community involvement, it holds monthly support group meetings with the goal of fostering understanding and acceptance within families.
Cleveland – The Rock and Roll Capital of the World|LGBTQ-Editor|August 21, 2020|No Straight News
And the capital city is a veritable utopia of acceptance and integration.
The Ultimate LGBT Travel Bucket List||December 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A better taxonomy would break us up by words like Acceptance, Partial Denial, and Total Denial.
Extreme Weather? Blame the End Times|Jay Michaelson|November 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In your acceptance speech at the National Book Awards, you said, “War is too strange to be processed alone.”
The Veteran Who Took Home the National Book Award|Jacob Siegel|November 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For the first time since I put my acceptance letter in the mail, I woke up this morning ashamed of my alma mater.
How UVA Is Failing Its Women|Allison McNearney|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Removing distinctions like “plus-size” would get her and millions of other women closer to that level of acceptance.
Let’s Get Rid of ‘Plus-Size’ for Good|Emily Shire|November 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
May I—just for the next few days—beg your acceptance of this bauble?
What a Man Wills|Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey
I exclaimed vaguely, recollecting the acceptance of Mrs. Shand's invitation about a week previously.
The Sign of Silence|William Le Queux
"I shall have my turn as we return to Rome," said Lucrezia; and I bowed to her as if in acceptance of her promise.
The Memoires of Casanova, Complete|Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
But since my last talk with you I've reconsidered, I've telephoned my acceptance.
Why Marry?|Jesse Lynch Williams
Personally we are strongly inclined to the acceptance of this third theory.
What a Young Husband Ought to Know|Sylvanus Stall
British Dictionary definitions for acceptance
/ (əkˈsɛptəns) /
the act of accepting or the state of being accepted or acceptable
favourable reception; approval
(often foll by of)belief (in) or assent (to)
a formal agreement by a debtor to pay a draft, bill, etc
the document so acceptedCompare bank acceptance
(plural)Australian and NZa list of horses accepted as starters in a race
contract lawwords or conduct by which a person signifies his assent to the terms and conditions of an offer or agreement