[ sinch ] SHOW IPA
noun a strong girth used on stock saddles, having a ring at each end to which a strap running from the saddle is secured.
a firm hold or tight grip.
Informal . something sure or easy: This problem is a cinch. a person or thing certain to fulfill an expectation, especially a team or contestant certain to win a sporting event: The Giants are a cinch to win Sunday's game. verb (used with object) to gird with a cinch; gird or bind firmly.
Informal . to seize on or make sure of; guarantee: Ability and hard work cinched her success.
Origin of cinch 1 1855–60, Americanism ;<Spanish cincha <Latin cingula girth, equivalent to cing (ere ) to gird + -ula -ule
Words nearby cinch cimetidine, cimex, Cimmerian, Cimon, C. in C., cinch , cinch belt, cinchona, cinchonidine, cinchonine, cinchonism
Definition for cinch (2 of 2) [ sinch ] SHOW IPA
noun Cards . a variety of the game all fours.
Origin of cinch 2 1885–90; perhaps <Spanish cinco five, a card game
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for cinch This pad has plenty of room for us all, retains 100 percent of its air through the night, and is a cinch to set up with its capable pump.
How to Pack for a Family Camping Trip | Joe Jackson| October 1, 2020| Outside Online
Fix that issue, and add a nose wire and some adjustable cinch es to the ear loops, and it’d be even better.
What You Need to Know About Wearing a Face Mask Outside | Joe Lindsey| September 30, 2020| Outside Online
And, thanks to a transparent hull, exploring the deep and spotting rare marine life is practically a cinch .
The Most Exciting New Hotels, Restaurants, and Submarines of 2014 | Charlie Gilbert| December 29, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Cinch an Inch…Or Seven But are waist cinch ers the secret to a smaller waist?
Waist Training: Can You Cinch Your Waist Thin? | DailyBurn| July 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Cinch the waist, tighten the tummy, raise the rear, there is a shape shifter designed for every job.
My Nuclear Knickers and Other Aging Secrets | Laura Bennett| October 28, 2008| DAILY BEAST
The historical record suggests it should cinch the contest for the Democrats.
Obama's Panic Problem | Sean Wilentz| October 5, 2008| DAILY BEAST
It would be a cinch to rig up a flashlight bulb and battery inside one.
The Blue Ghost Mystery | Harold Leland Goodwin
Sitting erect, he observed a cinch strap of blackbirds over the stable roof where the eucalyptus had crashed.
When the Owl Cries | Paul Bartlett
And when the cinch was drawn tight he fought at being mounted.
Under Handicap | Jackson Gregory
The Arado, as he had rightly guessed, was a cinch to handle.
Dave Dawson at Dunkirk | Robert Sydney Bowen
Sure, to be the janitor of an apartment house is no cinch at all, at all.
The White Christmas and other Merry Christmas Plays | Walter Ben Hare
British Dictionary definitions for cinch (1 of 2) noun slang an easy task
slang a certainty
US and Canadian a band around a horse's belly to keep the saddle in position Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): girth
informal a firm grip
verb (often foll by up) US and Canadian to fasten a girth around (a horse)
(tr) informal to make sure of
(tr) informal to get a firm grip on
SEE MORE SEE LESS Word Origin for cinch C19: from Spanish cincha saddle girth, from Latin cingula girdle, from cingere to encircle
British Dictionary definitions for cinch (2 of 2) noun a card game in which the five of trumps ranks highest
Word Origin for cinch C19: probably from cinch 1
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to cinch piece of cake, cakewalk, snap, breeze, duck soup, no sweat, child's play