a toy, problem, or other contrivance designed to amuse by presenting difficulties to be solved by ingenuity or patient effort.
something puzzling; a puzzling question, matter, or person.
a puzzled or perplexed condition; bewilderment.
a crossword puzzle: Did you do the puzzle in the newspaper today?
a jigsaw puzzle.
verb (used with object),puz·zled,puz·zling.
to put (someone) at a loss; mystify; confuse; baffle: Her attitude puzzles me.
to frustrate or confound, as the understanding; perplex: The problem puzzled him for weeks.
to exercise (oneself, one's brain, etc.) over some problem or matter.
Archaic. to make intricate or complicated.
verb (used without object),puz·zled,puz·zling.
to be perplexed or confused.
to ponder or study over some perplexing problem or matter.
Verb Phrases
puzzle out,to solve by careful study or effort: I was unable to puzzle out the message.
Origin of puzzle
First recorded in 1585–95; origin uncertain
6 confound.
synonym study for puzzle
2. Puzzle,riddle,enigma refer to something baffling or confusing that is to be solved. A puzzle is a question or problem, intricate enough to be perplexing to the mind; it is sometimes a contrivance made purposely perplexing to test one's ingenuity: a crossword puzzle; The reason for their behavior remains a puzzle. A riddle is an intentionally obscure statement or question, the meaning of or answer to which is to be arrived at only by guessing: the famous riddle of the Sphinx.Enigma, originally meaning riddle, now refers to some baffling problem with connotations of mysteriousness: He will always be an enigma to me.
puz·zled·ly,adverbpuz·zled·ness,nounun·puz·zle,verb (used with object),un·puz·zled,un·puz·zling.
Words nearby puzzle
Puy-de-Dôme, Puy de Sancy, Pu-yi, puy lentil, Puzo, puzzle, puzzle box, puzzleheaded, puzzle jug, puzzlement, puzzle out
Rereading is like looking at the answer to a puzzle, rather than doing it yourself, he says.
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This cocktail hour interactive exhibition changes each year, but last year it involved attendees competing against one another in a cookie-cutter-themed puzzle challenge designed by artist Zak Kitnick.
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At first, chronicling daily symptoms was like starting a brand-new puzzle.
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He’s given us something to contemplate, a puzzle we must return to more than once to begin to apprehend.
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While that was the intent of the puzzle, it wasn’t explicitly stated.
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For passengers, beyond the statistics lies a puzzle that has persisted for years.
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Without access to the site, reporters, social media, and governments put together pieces of the puzzle.
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But just picture a puzzle on the ground; say a puzzle of the Trade Center.
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Police say that the final pieces of the puzzle were put together in the second week of March.
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Schindler said this has been a puzzle for the U.S. intelligence community since the days of the cold war.
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Was this the deeper harder secret that Elsa sought to probe, this the puzzle to which she asked an answer?
The King's Mirror|Anthony Hope
Dr. Miller's brows were knit as he tried to puzzle out what had happened.
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After all, it is the ground birds that puzzle the human ologist.
A Rambler's lease|Bradford Torrey
Charley remembered something about a molecular lattice, but it didn't make any sense to him, and was only a puzzle.
Charley de Milo|Laurence Mark Janifer AKA Larry M. Harris
"You puzzle me utterly," he said, sitting up closer and staring at him.
Three More John Silence Stories|Algernon Blackwood
British Dictionary definitions for puzzle
/ (ˈpʌzəl) /
to perplex or be perplexed
(intr foll by over) to attempt the solution (of); ponder (about)he puzzled over her absence
(tr usually foll by out) to solve by mental efforthe puzzled out the meaning of the inscription
a person or thing that puzzles
a problem that cannot be easily or readily solved
the state or condition of being puzzled
a toy, game, or question presenting a problem that requires skill or ingenuity for its solutionSee jigsaw puzzle, Chinese puzzle
Learn The History Of The New York Times Crossword PuzzleThere are plenty of crossword puzzles in publications across the country, but when we think of the pinnacle of puzzledom (Not officially a word, but, perhaps, it should be?), the purveyors of the most preeminent puzzles, we bow to The New York Times (NYT). But how did it all begin?