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[ klat-er ] / ˈklæt ər / SEE SYNONYMS FOR clatter ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used without object)to make a loud, rattling sound, as that produced by hard objects striking rapidly one against the other: The shutters clattered in the wind. to move rapidly with such a sound: The iron-wheeled cart clattered down the street. to talk fast and noisily; chatter: They clattered on and on about their children. verb (used with object)to cause to clatter: clattering the pots and pans in the sink. nouna rattling noise or series of rattling noises: The stagecoach made a terrible clatter going over the wooden bridge. noisy disturbance; din; racket. noisy talk; din of voices: They had to shout over the clatter at the cocktail party. Origin of clatterbefore 1050; Middle English clateren,Old English clatr- (in clatrunge); cognate with Dutch klateren to rattle; see -er6 OTHER WORDS FROM clatterclat·ter·er, nounclat·ter·ing·ly, adverbclat·ter·y, adjectiveWords nearby clatterclastogenic, clastothrix, clat, clathrate, clathrin, clatter, claucht, Claude, Claudel, Claude Lorrain, Claudette Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for clatterBut timing is always unpredictable, and all the clatter around the film could have swallowed up I Am Abraham. Making Lincoln Sexy: Jerome Charyn’s Fictional President|Tom LeClair|March 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST Davidge was glad of her clatter, because it gave him a chance to revel in Mamise. The Cup of Fury|Rupert Hughes The roar of the traffic and the clatter of footsteps and the grumble of voices swirled like dance music about Andrews's head. Three Soldiers|John Dos Passos Bully yarn youve turned up, came his appreciative comment over the clatter of the keys. The Gray Phantom's Return|Herman Landon
A clatter of distant hoofs was heard rapidly approaching along the hard-beaten road. Starlight Ranch|Charles King There was a clatter of hoofs, and a horseman dashed up and flung him the saddlebags. Last of the Great Scouts|Helen Cody Wetmore
British Dictionary definitions for clatter
verbto make or cause to make a rattling noise, esp as a result of movement (intr) to chatter nouna rattling sound or noise a noisy commotion, such as one caused by loud chatter Derived forms of clatterclatterer, nounclatteringly, adverbclattery, adjectiveWord Origin for clatterOld English clatrung clattering (gerund); related to Dutch klateren to rattle, German klatschen to smack, Norwegian klattra to knock Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to clatterclack, hurtle, clang, ballyhoo, rattle, pandemonium, hullabaloo, rumpus, racket, bluster, clangor, smashing, shattering, smash, clank, noise, clash, roar, bump, shatter |