Fires can also destroy the natural clumps in soil, increasing their erodibility.
California wildfires may give way to massive mudslides|Ula Chrobak|September 17, 2020|Popular Science
This finding suggests that these clumps of dark matter, in which individual galaxies are embedded, are denser than expected.
Dark matter clumps in galaxy clusters bend light surprisingly well|Maria Temming|September 10, 2020|Science News
In that set, the team identified 13 cases of severe gravitational lensing by dark matter clumps around individual galaxies.
Dark matter clumps in galaxy clusters bend light surprisingly well|Maria Temming|September 10, 2020|Science News
These observations indicate there are more high-density dark matter clumps in real galaxy clusters than in simulated ones, Meneghetti says.
Dark matter clumps in galaxy clusters bend light surprisingly well|Maria Temming|September 10, 2020|Science News
As in the n-tuple method, in a CNN the pixels forming an image are analyzed in spatially adjacent clumps, but succeeding stages provide deeper analysis.
The Bias in the Machine - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Sidney Perkowitz|August 19, 2020|Nautilus
The drain clogs in the shower every few days, and the clump of tangled brown hair is springy between my fingers.
Birth Control Made My Hair Fall Out, and I’m Not the Only One|Molly Oswaks|October 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For example, on Diaspora you clump people into “Aspects” like Friends, Family, and Acquaintances.
Little Hope for Facebook Rival|Dan Lyons|September 2, 2011|DAILY BEAST
And in her right hand was a clump of hair that did not belong to her.
Who Is the Haircut Killer?|Barbie Latza Nadeau|July 8, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Only one thing was different: a clump of her hair had been cut from her head.
Who Is the Haircut Killer?|Barbie Latza Nadeau|July 8, 2010|DAILY BEAST
The tents were put up near a clump of trees, where there was a well.
At the Court of the Amr|John Alfred Gray
It was of light iron, and it could be opened into a clump of bushes where it was not likely to be noticed.
John Gayther's Garden and the Stories Told Therein|Frank R. Stockton
Keeping on the outside, he commenced walking the animal in a spiral ring that gradually closed in upon the clump.
The Scalp Hunters|Mayne Reid
The little group that had gathered followed the coffin to a clump of trees not far removed.
Sons and Fathers|Harry Stillwell Edwards
In passing a clump of rosebushes Tom stopped to extricate a fragment of silk from the thorns.
A Noble Woman|Ann S. Stephens
British Dictionary definitions for clump
/ (klʌmp) /
a cluster, as of trees or plants
a dull heavy tread or any similar sound
an irregular massa clump of hair or earth
an inactive mass of microorganisms, esp a mass of bacteria produced as a result of agglutination
an extra sole on a shoe
slanga blow
(intr)to walk or tread heavily
to gather or be gathered into clumps, clusters, clots, etc
to cause (bacteria, blood cells, etc) to collect together or (of bacteria, etc) to collect together
(tr)slangto punch (someone)
Derived forms of clump
clumpy, adjectiveclumpiness, noun
Word Origin for clump
Old English clympe; related to Middle Dutch klampe heap of hay, Middle Low German klampeclamp ², Swedish klimp small lump