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[ kohst-land ] / ˈkoʊstˌlænd / SEE SYNONYMS FOR coastland ON THESAURUS.COM
nounland along a coast; seacoast. Origin of coastlandFirst recorded in 1850–55; coast + land Words nearby coastlandcoast-guard cutter, coastguardsman, coasting lead, coasting trade, coasting wagon, coastland, coastline, coast live oak, Coast Mountains, coast pilot, Coast Range Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for coastlandWe are losing a football field of coastland every 38 minutes in Louisiana. Will the Spill Impact Public Health?|Sara Karl|May 5, 2010|DAILY BEAST Fishermen and their guides may continue to use the coastland for their fishing activities despite the trespass to landowners. Our Legal Heritage, 5th Ed.|S. A. Reilly On the Atlantic coastland of Patagonia it is often three, four or five days' ride to the nearest farm. Through the Heart of Patagonia|H. Hesketh Prichard The coastland was known to the Greeks and Romans as Phoenicia, "the land of the palm." Patriarchal Palestine|Archibald Henry Sayce
Words related to coastlandbeach, coast, seashore, border, bank, sand, seaboard, waterfront, riverbank, brim, embankment, margin, brink, strand, lakeshore, lakeside, shingle, seacoast, littoral, riverside |