

单词 collarette

Example sentences from the Web for collarette

  • I did not see very much because I held a collarette up to my face to protect it from the hot air, which was unutterably awful.

    Chicago's Awful Theater Horror|Various
  • In these brasses we find that the camail has become the Standard of Mail, or collarette, worn under the gorget of plate.

    Armour & Weapons|Charles John Ffoulkes
  • And big tears trickled down her cheeks as far as the frilling of her collarette.

    Bouvard and Pcuchet|Gustave Flaubert
  • The music from the robins in the orchard filled my ears; soft winds stirred the lace on Sir William's cuffs and collarette.

    Cardigan|Robert W. Chambers


/ (ˌkɒləˈrɛt) /


a woman's fur or lace collar

Words nearby collarette

collard, collared dove, collared lizard, collared peccary, collaret, collarette, collar rot, collat., collate, collateral, collateral artery
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